I'm confused as to how this answer is D. I'm torn between C and D. Is C wrong because if you fail the sufficient (don't have the Pterodactyl consume the red algae , the colouration could still be caused by other factors? Whereas D ...
Hi, I did some problem sets and this was one of the questions that I got wrong: PrepTest B - Section 1 - Question 14 (regarding the artists and subsidy)
Could anyone explain to me why the answer is C?? My weakness is pseudo assumption and I've read ...
I was watching the explanation for the in/out game referring to a group of people who can only be hired if they are interviewed for a position. In the explanation for the last question in the set, it mentions that the problem states at ...
I am really struggling with this question and I honestly think it's because I may have misunderstood the stimulus. My understanding is that milk, the final product that we see at the store, requires the use of a bottle and raw milk. The bottler is the ...
Hello. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why the correct answer choice is A. The second sentence of the stimulus says that NO OTHER ORGANISM has a greater resistance to cancer than sharks. Answer Choice A states that "no organism resists cancer ...
Hi all - I'd really appreciate your help on understanding the argument in this question.
I get the gap in this question is that just because first doctrine states that "all historical events must be explained in economic factors" doesn't ...
Can someone help explain this question to me? It's the first LR question I haven't been able to understand, even after blind review and review. I chose answer choice B.
How did you rule out Answer Choice "C"? Some folks mentioned, the AC gives only "what's valued" and that doesn't constitute a resolution. What if, people got better at being ambidextrous as they grew older and that's why the % of LH Population drops as you ...
I was stuck between B and C, and ultimately ended up going with C. I immediately crossed out D because I didn't think it was relevant. Would really appreciate someone's insight.
If someone could help me out with this passage, I will be eternally grateful
23.) I just think B and D are saying the same thing? What is the difference? I found the answer in the first sentence of the passage but I think both B and D are ...
I couldn't see how the term "normal" was used differently between the two speakers? Would someone be able to clarify how to focus on that? I completely brushed over that.
I'm confused what the passage is actually saying here, and while I can vaguely see why AC E is the correct answer choice, I'm wondering if someone could explain what the LR passage is saying. Is the passage suggesting that the fossil record tells us ...
Hi! I don't really understand why B is wrong even after reading numerous explanations. If areas subject to **more fires** (which is true when the level of rainfall drops below normal for an extended period of time like in a drought) tend to be **less ...