... was stuck between B and C (I thought both could be ... answers) and finally chose C. But the answer is B ... I had no idea why C was wrong.
Can anyone ... why B is correct and C is wrong?
... this question picking between A/C (reasons outlined below) and am ... answer I chose first
(C) A motorcyclist rides without a ... on his life? I felt (C) was blatantly wrong (stating that ...
... is a right answer because C didn't mention about drug ... me.
But I thought C could be an answer too ... />
Can anyone enlighten me why C can't be and E ...
I've figured out why C) and E) are wrong, but I'm not sure how the other incorrect answers weaken the argument.
... most B
A most C
B ... some B
A some C
B ... :
A most B most C
A ... s. Most B’s are C’s. Therefore, some A’s ... are C’s - but using actual examples ...
... meeting. (A→C) C→A and A→C
= A←→C … Contrapositive is ... . [A→/C contrapositive C→/A]
o /A←→C
o A←→/C
[/C→A contra. A→C]
COMBINED: A ←→C contra: /A←→/C
o A→/C contra C→A
o /C →A contra /A ...