... . When starting the RC section of the LSAT, is it a ... to glance at the number of questions per passage and then ... points. As it was, I ranoutof time and end up having ... to guess on several of the last questions. Thoughts??
... sure what to make of this or how to proceed ... with all of the LR section lessons of the core ... actual test were from running outof time on the LG ... the LG section because I ranoutof time and I was ... questions in RC because I ranoutof time. Any advice on ...
... 141 with a BR score of 162 and my previous ... 147 with a BR score of 154 about 2 months ... wrong there automatically because I ranoutof time and I rather not ... from a already low score of 147 to an even ... which is clearly an indication of a timing issue. I know ...
Can you exclude unanswered questions from analytics? Some of the things I'm supposed to focus on are merely because I ranoutof time to answer the questions.
I love ... too frequently. I got confused, ranoutof time, had to guess and ... PT's, including a total of 120 RC passages. I then ... />
However, I will definitely try out your method and just read ...
I had 2 LGs for today's test and I thought the second one was slightly easier, although I ranoutof time on the last couple questions on both. @gplizard101 (or others) - so the 2nd game is the real one? How do you know?
... stress and slacking off, I ranoutof time to study completely. It ... make sure I have plenty of time to study completely and ... The Trainer is the importance of going slow and steady. And ...
@pritisharma @blah170blah @ddakjiking you guys will do well... focus on June... its literally around the corner and now you know the ins and outs of the curriculum... PT, BR the hell outofPTs and go own this test! All the best!
... sure you don't run outofPTs and 2) if you ... took 5 or 6 section PTs. The reason my score ... going to take 4 section PTs, maybe bumping it to ... important is taking 6 section PTs and reviewing rather than ... taking 8 section PTs and being so burnt out your brain ...
Before that I was getting like 18 or 19 right... and after that, it never dropped below 22 and was closer to 24 - 26 except for the actual exam when it dropped to 20 because I RANoutof time and missed one full 7 question passage...
7sagelsatstudent180 - TBH I think I struggled with another game as well but ranoutof time to review it, that's why I'm considering another cancel. I've read in a lot of other forums that all they really care about is your highest score.
So if Ted Cruz runs outof time ---> He will lose ... the debate.
Therefore he ranoutof time.
Although this is ... does not "Necessarily" mean he ranoutof time. But if he did ...