Per the LSAC's website, the scores should be released via email by January 5. They do say that their listed dates are just estimates, so who knows...
@Noonec they usually get scores out on or slightly before ... of the "scores" date. For instance, in October, they released on the ... fill up rapidly once scores start getting released (they go out in ...
... a heads-up that scores will be released that day. They ... because that LSAT is not released to the public. In ... the test is released. If it’s released during the ... there). So, if scores are released any time in the ... me, I’d release your scores right now!
Dave Killoran from powerscore suggested that this article was written some time before today and was scheduled to be posted today,having assumed that scores would have already been released
Don't worry... they will be out in a couple of days max and likely tomorrow... while it is usual for the LSAC to release scores early, there have been cases where it has released them on the predicted day and in one case even a day later.
... - they talk as if they scores have already been release is ... a good sign the scores will be released today?
http://www ... />
Now it says "Once the scores have been released tomorrow"
I'm so excited for the June takers scores to be released! lol @BruiserWoods do you think your score will be released the same day as the rest of the folks?