... me more about the 7sage law school prep. Is it for ... course before you go to law school? Also, in what ways ... the course prepare you for law school? Thanks for any help ...
... got into a top 25 law school for Fall 2015 entering ... 170s, and then delay entering law school for another year so ... waiting another year to enter law school, my follow up question ...
Hi people... today's dose of humor for the over worked: the LSAT will be GREAT... and you WILL go to law school... but don't turn into this person;) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFcqKisUgUQ
Here's what NYU Law students think what being on law review is like(not really)(well maybe) the rendition is based on the Disney movie Mulan's "I'll make a man out of you": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcbMS1bwrQw
Hey People, when you end up at law school... and that pretty girl or handsome guy catches your eye... Do your self a favor and try not to be like this!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-6vH6rU9to
... . So apparently there are many law school consultants that would review ... anyone here worked with a law school consultant? Do you recommended ...
Just thinking worst-case scenario, what does it look like to a law school when you re-take the LSAT and get a lower score? I know most consider your highest score, but would this still be the case?
I was just wondering, what does it look like to a Law school when you re-take the LSAT, but get a lower score the second time? I know all the law schools i'm going to apply to do NOT average your scores, but instead consider the highest score.
... just received my first law school acceptance email after ... to visit my pre-law advisor soon after having ... year. They said that law school was a "number ... that even she got into law school- priceless.) And now ... just received my first law school acceptance email! I ...
... would like to read International Law. However, is it true that ... I would have read Law for degree and masters for ... very well I could read Law for three years ? Lastly, I ...
... his residency when I begin law school. The way that residency ... I have a few good law school options. Then after he ... matched, I would choose a law school in that city. I ... I do? Do you think law admissions offices will be flexible ...
... had any experience with the Law School Prep course here at ... ability to do well in law school. I've watched all ... a nice fit with the Law School Prep Courses offered. However ...
... . I just have a law school related question and I ... was to apply and start law school that fall of ... and will start applying to law schools soon after. I ... just started realizing that law schools may not accept my ... . Is it true that law schools may not accept me ...
So I was just poking around on the site and to my surprise 7sage has a law school course! I had no idea. Has anyone taken this course and if so, has it really made a difference in your law school grades and/or experience?