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I've had my personal statement proofread by 3 individuals (two ... firm) and they love the statement but have trouble with the ... " at the beginning of my statement.
... is C, which says psychologists should do everything to minimize the ... we must do EVERYTHING (bold statement to begin with, but we ... EVERYTHING (like C says), we should be addressing this margin of ...
... choice has to be a statement that one of the two ... not all mathematically precise claims should be subject to skepticism. Taylor ... we are looking for a statement that Taylor believes in and ...
I have a half page C and F and 1 page (double spaced for both) diversity statement ready to go. Anyone have a couple of minutes to take a read through and give me their opinion?
... don't know if I should waste another cycle and I ... actually being ready.
So, should I withdraw from tomorrow's ... LSAT or should I just write it? Any ...
... 'm wondering how closely I should be reviewing these miscellaneous games ... , grouping games and grasp of conditional logic are all increasing at ...
I'm on the MSS section and I'm trying to answer the question before the silent video ends (1m24s). Is that a good estimate for about how much time I should be spending on each questions for the real test?