Is the LSAT trainer written by Mike Kim? I saw this on Amazon, just wanted to make sure it is the same book that everyone is talking about. Also, there are two versions, 2013 and 2015. Which are you guys using? Thanks.
For a question stem like this are we strengthening Kim's argument or weakening Lee's? My initial thought was that it strengthens Kim's, but as it directly addresses something Lee says ...
... stupid mistakes I was making during the exam from just not ... , but just have issues concentrating during the exam and reading carefully ... I do to focus more during the exam and not make ...
It seems as answer A is actually agreeing with Lee's argument. Am I incorrect by thinking that the question stem is asking for us to refute Lee's argument?
Forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere. I have been at this since December and just finished taking my 14th PT. My BR scores are high (174+) but I still find myself circling a lot of questions for review. I understand that this can vary from test to ...