... not equal understanding and establishes the fact that biases exist. ... feel this way about the entire test? You've ... and I think it's the same for testing - always ... my brain back to the old control algorithm and ... mindset are so key to the LSAT.
... remove all PDF files from the lectures (http://7sage.com ... is available for downloading. The lectures without proper reference of ... are useless, while the price for the preparation course remains as ... are other users possibly experiencing the same. I was wondering ...
... 't seem stable enough. Plus, the closest testing center is all ... ACs?). I've gone through the fundamentals again and feel stronger ... this will happen throughout the rest of the summer months as well ... :) I really feel comforted by the stories and questions I see ...
... grew very concerned. Jonathan (and the other 7Sage mentors) represent a ... that Jonathan clarified some of the article's mischaracterizations in an ... earlier post, but the point still sticks: now ... for a few years till the market recovers. Thoughts?
... everyone, so I'm taking the test in October and I ... of time to study before the test, I'm feeling frustrated ... questions wrong in BR (hence the 173).
2. I've ... scored 167 the last 4 PTs and I ... RC, so maybe that's the way to go?
... 've taken a look at the curriculum that 7Sage has to ... impressed and ready to purchase the course but before I do ... if it's applicable for the Canadian LSAT. I'm not ... 7Sage prepare you for both the American and Canadian LSAT?
... just wanted some input from the group. I have been studying ... take my June test for the experience even though I'm ... law schools just look at the highest LSAT score. Not sure ... a 141 on the June LSAT but for the October one I ...
... Ultimate+ also has access to the question bank, which has some ... />
Games for PTs1-20:
https://smile.amazon. ... linkCode=as2&tag=mintowin-20&linkId=e0408798e4a104bf57f50e608724a3fb ... :
Looking at the syllabus, I'm wondering if ... games are covered by the course? I bought the lowest level primarily ... how to break down all the different types?
... ask because in one of the videos the instructor said that there ...
I can't seem to find the answers to preptests 1-35 logic games. When the PDFs were taken down, were the answers also taken down? I can't check my answers to those sections! Am I missing them somewhere?
... focused on resequencing these diagrams. The first three do a fine ... cover what to do when the question dictates a premise change ... but when I did the first LG of the four that are ... on. Maybe I was overthinking the questions (I overthink everything) but ...
any advice for getting out of the mid 150's? My last 4 PT's have been 155-156, with a highest of 157. My LR average is 15-19, LG average 17-20, RC average 15-17. Was there anything you guys did differently that pushed you into 160's?
Does anyone else experience this? Most of my high scores came from tests that I thought I did very poorly but the tests that I thought were easy usually ends with subpar score (curves are pretty much the same for both kind)....
... hours per day studying for the LSAT. Mainly I'm ... . I'm getting between 20 and 22 per section right ... helps, when I take the test untimed I score between ... and completed almost all of the lessons. Given that I can ... , I think I have the foundation and basics of how ...
... program is in the top 10 of the country), but ultimately ... I still have the little gremlin telling me ... thing in the working world, and at the end of the day, ... horrific score. Because of the stress, brain melt, and ... to jump an extra 20-25 points on my ...
... 20% through 7Sage's course, and I've learned quickly that the ... format for the majority of the lessons isn't ... don't feel like the majority of the foundational lessons are ... tips on getting through the rest of the material? I was ...
... consistently; I rush due to the time pressure and I always ... end up getting about 20% of my questions wrong. I ... and internalizing important details on the stimulus. Can you please give ... of advice to manage the stress of the time factor so I ...
... me, it seemed like the correct answer choice was ... inconsequential compared to the central disagreement, which I ... incorrectly* assumed was damaging to the environment vs. not damaging. ... premise rather than the conclusion or the argument itself. Thoughts ...
... just over 1000 questions with the Cambridge LR bundle.
the LR practice sets with the 7Sage Ultimate package ... decide if I should buy the Cambridge bundle or just print ... off all of the LR practice sets on here ...
... Jose and plan on taking the October LSAT. Let's push ... apart question types to see the tentmaker's themes and tricks ... . We can definitely crack the code and get into top ...
The #1 most important decision you ... logical reasoning, and the reaction is wildly different ...
And yet, the proof is in the pudding. The LSAT is nothing ... weekends volunteering at the local homeless shelter, ...