I've found that the Problem set creator automatically gives you under 35 minutes to complete single LR section. Is there a way to change that so it's the full 35 minutes?
... diagnostic and bought the 7Sage Ultimate+ package. While working long hours ... if needed) of the problemsets for each problem type, and leave the ... other half of the problemsets for drilling. Assuming that my ...
... June 2018 and got 7sage Ultimate+, planning to take the test ... multiple copies of problemsets and game sets, coming back to problem set types ... same day) and doing practice sets/review during the week. I ...
... that i have created a problem set from the question bank ... different to it on the problem set took online. So does ... again on the online based problem set?
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Does anybody know if the problemsets function gives us the option ... to create a problem set consists of all the ... , I want to create a problem set that having all Argument ...
What does it mean when your doing a problem set and it has priority ( very low, low high and very high)? Is this the matter of how important it is on the LSAT?
I tried refreshing the page and re-opening it from existing problemsets a couple times but it keeps on showing the loading icon. The other sets I took around the same time work just fine.
1) Should I do all the problemsets under ... as I go through the problemsets? Is the main purpose of ... a problem set to familiarize myself with ... subject matter. Over all the problemsets in a section I am ...
Hey guys! Thinking of taking the LSAT in December. Thank you 7sage - things are amazing so far. I want to gauge my studying. Is everyone completeing EVERY problem set in addition to EVERY practice exam? Thanks
If you take a practice test and later delete it, how does that show up in the ProblemSets section where it says "Taken 1 time" etc., If you have taken the section, but deleted it, will it show up as "Taken 1 time" or as blank?
Instead of deleting submissions each time for each problem set: is there another way to re-doing them, where our new attempts are compared with our old ones?