... July to finish every single problemset (I'm at parallel reasoning ... a "suggested minimum" list of problem sets I could prioritize in ... it better to do every problemset in the CC and less ... base course have the same problem sets?
I've found that the Problemset creator automatically gives you under 35 minutes to complete single LR section. Is there a way to change that so it's the full 35 minutes?
... that i have created a problemset from the question bank and ... different to it on the problemset took online. So does that ... again on the online based problemset?
... had a quick question about problem sets. While going through the ... , should I be doing every problemset at the end of a ... MSS questions, there are 12 problem sets available. How many should ...
... I have a question on ProblemSet questions, particularly the last ... sample single questions before the problem sets. Those sample single ... 5 star question in a problemset seem to be exponentially ... sample single questions before the problem sets. I have been ...
What does it mean when your doing a problemset and it has priority ( very low, low high and very high)? Is this the matter of how important it is on the LSAT?
I tried refreshing the page and re-opening it from existing problem sets a couple times but it keeps on showing the loading icon. The other sets I took around the same time work just fine.
... a major issue when reviewing problem sets that make navigating the ... anyone else run into this problem/know how to resolve this ... issue? I have reviewed older problem sets to see if this ...
Hey guys! Thinking of taking the LSAT in December. Thank you 7sage - things are amazing so far. I want to gauge my studying. Is everyone completeing EVERY problemset in addition to EVERY practice exam? Thanks
I see that on the top column of every problemset and prep test, there's a new feature called "theme." It has 7 Sage, 7 Sage Dark, Standard, Standard Dark. I was wondering whether the standard themes are the ones that we see on a real test?
... , I just designed my own problemset for reading comp and when ... how to view that specific problemset that I designed for myself ... . It isn't in existing problem sets and when I add ...
If you take a practice test and later delete it, how does that show up in the Problem Sets section where it says "Taken 1 time" etc., If you have taken the section, but deleted it, will it show up as "Taken 1 time" or as blank?