@profile427 there are more factors that will go into this than just your LSAT score. For example if you are a URM then your GPA would give you a shot at most of the T14 even with a 160. But of course, higher is always better!
Admission with those numbers is not unheard of, but very unlikely especially for a non-URM candidate. Odds are you won't get into any T14 with those numbers, though T20 is a reasonable bet. If you're okay with that, fine. If not, retake.
... it matters what type of URM you are as long as ... student body but still enjoy URM status due to the demographics ... . While some schools may use URM as a specific numbers boost ...
Wish I could point you towards more specifics but I know I've read that you can equate URM status towards at least a few LSAT points. Make sure you write a good diversity statement!
I'm a native speaker and I had the same trouble... I just took tests until I was able to think quickly and accurately enough to answer level 1,2, and 3 questions in less than 50 seconds... Quick thinking under pressure is just another skill to develop.
Non native speaker here. I don't ... should take and any other native speaker should take to get ... LSAT language than for a native speaker but so what? Life ...
@jyang72 said:
@Alejandro, what could be better than debating with native speaker in the courtroom with our non-english accent? That is what makes us great not weak!