... am still on the same video lesson :/ for some reason my ... .." So I cannot watch the video I'm on because it ... works perfectly fine except the video lessons. Does anyone with a ...
... , and she linked to this video as a "law school reality ... make me cry) regarding the video. How have you convinced yourselves ... you're not whom this video is making fun of, and ...
Hi! I don't know if an announcement was made or if someone already asked this but does anyone know when PT75 video explanations will be made available? Thanks!
All groups now meeting at 7pm ET. Folks with schedule restraints—please just join when you can. You won't miss much. Any serious objections, please PM me. Schedules can be changed but only if you let me know!!
... try to watch an explanation video (excluding LG ones hosted on ... an error message about the video player being unable to load ... but that also says the video can't be found.
This happens for every video I try - I'm running ...