... UCI related questions they want toask me or maybe even @ ... before I head back to the lawschool next spring. I won ... on a regular basis to see what questions y'all have ... />
If you want to read more ramblings about lawschool, business school, politics and ...
... is familiar with Canadian lawschooladmissions. I go to a university where only ... shown on my transcript. Due to a bell curve and high ... a lawschool, I would be going to a nearby university WITH a lawschool ... and I’m not sure whatto do!
... 3.6. I am hoping to go tolawschool in Fall 2019. I ... I be aiming to go to the highest lawschool in hopes of receiving ... to take out 150k+ loans only to be making 50k a year. What ... and what are my chances of truly getting into big law? Thank ...
My lawschool orientation is scheduled for next week. However, I had a family emergency last night and don't know if I will be able to make it. For those that have gone to theirs, is it really mandatory and/or important to attend?
Can anyone recommend good books about lawschool and the legal profession? I would love some references to read more about what a legal career entails, and the in-and-outs of lawschool.
What's the best way to research law schools? I'm off to a little ... am for sure applying to. However, I want to be sure I ... 'm not leaving out a school that ...
... like "Used supervised learning algorithms to create xxx" , "Developed web ... I would assume lawschool ad-coms would like to look at something ... ) and maybe more applicable to proving my credibility in a ... in thinking so?
... getting into any school pretty hard and had to do a lot ... an e-mail from Northwestern School of Law offering me a spot ... />
I had to come back to 7Sage to express my deepest thanks ... done to make my dream of attending a T-14 LawSchool come ...
... anything seriously bad just skipping school and smoking pot and ... and gets into a top lawschool...would that change you ... all suggesting anyone go tolawschoolto prove a point to an ex or ... someone resolved to attend a top lawschool because that’s what he or ...
Hello! I am going to my first lawschool fair next weekend in Boston ... in attendance. I am hoping to snag time with quite a ... all advice on how to stand out, whatto wear, whattoask, etc. I am ... so I can have something to write in the “did we ...
... imagine how informative and fruitful lawschool fairs and campus recruiting ... an IP law professor of that school (who happens to be very ... amp;D department even before lawschool started. This is super ... in a school's program, do your homework, and ask questions ...
... they are still figuring what the final number will ... not really going into law for the money) is ... on going into environmental law, and Utah has a ... less excited about going to a school ranked where Montana ... would plan to stay in those states to practice law? Given ...
... -prestige-real-factors-to-help-you-pick-a-law-school-bd8e38b023c8
... it includes variables other than lawschool rankings to consider. BUT I feel ... you get your degree, but what you do with it." to be the next highly ranked school in CA ...
... have to devlop through on your own. Just like lawschool.
2.) the way to prepare for finals ... />
3.) you have to want it. Lawschool doesn’t come easy ... lsat “isn’t even what we learn in lawschool” it’s because ...
... of research, and learning that law schools look at all scores ... really do not want to do. **The school I am aiming for ... worth applying and going to a lower ranked school (probably ranked in ... possible). Please let me know what is best from your experience ...
I decided to take a gap year, so I am deciding where I should work. Which experience would be better for lawschool? Court bailiff or paralegal? Why? What is similar or different between these jobs?
... />
Our goal is to tell you what an admissions officer might think after ... />
I worked in lawschooladmissions for fourteen years before coming to 7Sage. You ... .com/admissions/about-us/
**What’s the difference between Admissions Consulting ...
... in a gap year before lawschool, and I am currently working ... . This allows me to earn money while applying toschool without having a ... I don't want this to take away from my other ...
... a new resource about lawschool interviews! The lesson gives ... t have permission from everyone to post something, but it ... should give you something to chew on if you' ... />
Hi everyone. I was curious if any alumni could shed some light on whatlawschool is really like, particularly regarding the workload. Thanks in advance!
... schools I'm applying to have their apps due tomorrow ... . I spoke to someone previously involved in lawschooladmissions at an ivy ... my second version to anyone involved in admissions though and I ... feedback, just wanna know which to submit :)
... does the rank of a lawschool matter in the grand scheme ... lawschool rankings by 7 Sage. For example, according to this article Albany Lawschool ... they are known for what I want to take? Or aim for ... I should put on the lawschool's national ranking. Ex) ...