... background here before we start. I love to write, and I don ... -related things, I actually did pretty well. Actually, enough ... and articulate the reasoning when pressed; whenyou reach the point where ... are you in? And which camp do you expect tosee populating ...
Hey guys! I have just started going over the lessons for the games and am feeling discouraged. I always don't make enough inferences and have difficulty solving the problems. How long did it take you guys tostart doing well on them? Thanks!
... of certain sentences you avoid the “What the Hell did I just ... of words: Important because you need tosee how the strength of the ... />
4. Know that whenyou first start this it will take a ... take over 8 minutes to explain but when he did it in real ...
2. What to annotate in RC?
• Nicole Hopkins did an amazing ... best it’s useful to at least start engaging with the ... br />
How to do this: whenyou’re reading if yousee the author’s ... “why did he write this”
iii. You only need to identify the ...
... in a similar manner to which I didwhen I was tutored by ... really good tostart off however it misses the mark when it says ... this answer choice. First you need tosee that the answer choice talks ... to save time so you didn’t read, “dissent against” or youdid ...
Hey guys,
Just wondering...
On average, how many days did it take for youto write PS for each school?
I know people would say take days as many as you need, but I was just wondering...
Thanks :)
... done really well and learning to "see the forest" before I examine ... questions. When I BR and grade my PTs I always see the ... gurus out there is how didyou learn to remember things in the ... enough time to return to the passage. When I come back to these questions ...
... way tosee ALL bookmarks across the entire site? When I go to the ... "Course" page, I have and see bookmarks ... ) Is there a way tosee everything you've liked? Kind of like ... it would be VERY useful tosee my entire history/collection of ...
... with CC so, I wanted to know how many preptests should ... powerscore studying though. Also, once you enter your test answers with ... and explanations? If not, how didyou all go about supplementing your ...
For those of you who used the LSAT Trainer ... the CC from 7Sage, what didyou find most useful from the ... in the 7Sage curriculum when it comes to diagramming.
... gets closer, I've had to continually remind myself of WHY ... I want to go. What's my drive ... the end result is - to go to law school and become a ... hoping to go to and why? Basically, "What do you want to be whenyou grow ...
... and I really want to go to law school (a good ... under timed circumstances, especially when there's only one ... how I perform when I try to apply what I ... point, I don't see a path forward. And ... How didyou pull yourself out of it? How didyoustart nailing ...
... practiced it (going to do it when I get there in ... the CC). **Is it possible to ... from averaging 13-14 to about 20 right on ... people say RC is tough to improve on because it' ... .
**How much didyou improve on RC after finishing ...
... just wanted to let you know what happened when I toured UCI ... admissions rep made a point to reinforce the “holistic” ... like toseeimprovement in scores so think about that before you cancel ... tests, you may want to write an addendum as to why youdid so ...
... been studying? If youdid anything different , what didyou change or start doing ? Any ... be able to work through the game faster naturally. Whenyou rush you put ... made it possible for me tosee the answer right away.
... we all know that feeling :( ) whenyou have burnt 2 minutes. Have ... have that coveted -0. When I did my first timed section, ... comes down to knowing what to look for when they ask you a ... each game several times, you will starttosee the patterns upon which the ...
... myself scoring worse than I didwhen I first started studying. did you realize what wasn't working and what didyou do to get ... inspiration and guidance on how tosee consistent improvements. Thanks in advance ...
... a way tosee a list of schools that have granted you an ... is a way to find this information before you actually submit your ... site. If you have to actually start the formal submission process tosee this information ...
... continuously checking the LSAC website tosee if there are any updates ... Exam. To people who have already taken a Flex Test, whendidyou find ... out all the specific details of whenyou were taking ...
... are many other people who did exceptionally well (170+) on ... understanding them. I really started toseeimprovementwhen I would read the question ... many PTs as possible given you are reviewing them and ... for this exam and hope you January test takers can ...
... idea to just apply to law school now and see where ... than a year, how didyou maintain a healthy relationship with ... balance is important. How didyou deal with the mental part ... How didyou explain your time commitment to friends and family? How didyou manage ...
... Once I started tosee the benefits, I grew to accept the discomfort ... of it but I did and so did generations of law ... and writing. Let me tell you, whenyou're dealing with a real ... maybe youstart cutting back on sleep, hobbies, and even exercise to keep ...
... How many weeks did it take youtoseeimprovement whether you solely self-studied ... or did a ... tutor that helps you by listening to your reasoning (i ... correct AC) and telling you where said reasoning is ...
... and always wondered when it was going to be my turn ... point because ya girl did not want tosee this exam again. I ... applied to 17 schools ( didn ... said, as many of you might be embarking on your ... your eye on whatever you desire.
... seeing people say that if you apply on the later side ... scholarship money, but then I see people talking about re-negotiating ... later negotiations? I'm trying to get an idea of how ... still have enough scholarship money to give that top applicant a ...