Fuck! I just went to the lsac website and found that scores comeout on bday!!! Fuck you logic games. I'm so upset. Of course now I come up with perfect set up for game 3. Why can I think of this NOW!! Why not then. Ugh!!! So upset.
@jennilynn89 I signed up for Feb. I called LSAC, they said since the december scores comeout later, I can request a refund for Feb if I decide not to take it.
I saw via the link that someone posted that the score has comeout as earlier as 13 days before the date listed on LSAC. The last time that happened was 10 years ago. Maybe we'll get our scores this week for the 10th anniversary!
@mcmlaw36 and what I mean by way later was the scores came out 1 day early than what was dated lol. I would assume the Dec scores will comeout at least 25-26 days after. Who knows though.