... in my dorm waiting to meet witha few of my residents ... googled one of the games to get some feedback and ... yeah I am quite happy with my progress. If I ... Friday and Saturday night want to know where I am? The library ... but I am going to wait to make sure I hit ...
... on my own while working a full-time job using the ... before the test I had a lot of unexpected things happen ... . So now I'm going to try a different mode of study ... tips? I would be thrilled witha165, but now that I've ...
I hit the 25th percentile of LSAT but am in the 75th percentile of UGPA. What would be an appropriate reach up from my 25th% LSAT toapply? Ex 155 and 3.75. How many points up should I reach for in the 25th % LSAT schools?
... pretty much everything ready to go and toapplyto law schools I want ... til Feb 6. Do I applyto law schools now or do ... I get my Lsat score toapply and submit everything? If so ...
... what it REALLY takes to get a 99th percentile score from ... make past webinar videos available to anyone witha paid course at 7sage ... .com/webinar . So if you want to ... . Copyright infringement is not a good way to start a legal career.
Just curious if anyone has noticed if there is a correlation with the law schools that are soliciting you post LSAT toapplywith fee waivers with acceptances?
... what it REALLY takes to get a 99th percentile score from ... make past webinar videos available to anyone witha paid course at 7sage ... .com/webinar . So if you want to ... . Copyright infringement is not a good way to start a legal career.
anyone ever tried using an offer to get off a wait list? Ex-school X (ranked 25) offers you a seat and you have 2 weeks to respond. School Y (first choice, rank 45) wait lists you.
... appear to be in a bit of a dilemma. I'm registered to write ... I just can't seem to break through that plateau. My ... if I want a chance to get into a decent school, a 170 would ... have any advice on how to break through and gain 4 ...
... to the right final two answer choices but here's where ... 's where I'm at with the question: a) I ... third paragraph actually seems to be refuting criticism ... I don’t see where it says that they ... they misrepresent facts to comply witha partisan interest. The ...
... to do witha highlighter, so I'm reaching out to you guys/gals to ... than I am could lend a hand? Sharing any techniques, or ... other words, I'd like to hear your personal style of ...
... an addendum to include witha few of my applications about a decent difference ... of my ability. Due toa large number of test-takers ... . Although I was able to access my water during the ... final section of the exam, where I missed more questions than ...
Short version: Went from a 149 diagnostic toa 157 on the September ... doing some research for a different course to try, since I was ... before taking the September test witha165 PT average on my last ... from one a week to two a week. I sat the test witha 167 ...
... m feeling a bit lost in terms of how to structure my ... two 4 section tests back-to-back witha 15 min break between ... finished the experimental LG section with time to spare).
... household responsibilities to my saint of a spouse, going to bed at ...
... now on the sequential grouping witha twist games.
I've never done a logic game before and am ... 't even know whereto start on a lot of the ... for a beginner or something I should begin to pick ... intuitively. I am trying to do the foolproof method ...
... test and I'd like to focus on logic games. However ... 36-60). I'd like to go back through the logic ... clean copies. Any advice on whereto fine some?
Has anyone ever used sudoku (or any other numbers puzzle) in their free time to get better at LG or increased their reading of complicated articles to help with LR? If so, have they seen any positive results?
Quick question. I am a natural worry wart. I worry ... I know they have something to do witha puzzle I must figure ... tired than when I went to sleep.
Any ideas ... how anyone else has dealt with this problem?
... . Today I've decided to go witha theme I've seen pop ... up a bit on these forums ... ". Then this is where people can begin to rely on each other ... to offer help to others, and to take advice. We need to be able to ...
... received a 150 on my first practice test. With 8 ... months until the June test, is it possible to ... bring this to at least a165? I feel ... January when my load is a bit lighter?
< ... would hate for a crappy LSAT to ruin my opportunities. ...
... the next. Is it ok toapplywith these letters?
< ... with my son, so I have absolutely no one to ... applywith these letters or reach out to my recommenders for a ... new letter of rec with ... i was very close with all of my professors ...
So, i'm a senior in college and my ... the spring. All of a sudden they started factoring in ... which actually brought it down a .1. As we are ... .1 is a big deal. (Example: 2.6 to 2.5, ... Because my I would LOVE toapplywith my actual college GPA. < ...
Finished the Dec LSAT. Regardless of the outcome, how do you deal with the anxiety of waiting? Does anyone have any strategy? That's something I'm seriously struggling with, and I am really sure I will continue to struggle with it in the coming days :(
... a 166, which I am so proud of and cannot WAIT toapplywith ... go who is worth applying to and who isn't? My ... GPA is around a 3.7 and most of ... don't have that as a median, but I feel like ... there's still a decent chance for me. Any ...
Hello everyone, I’m currently a full-time undergraduate in my ... of uni and am determined to take the lsat next summer ... I start with? I am immensely clueless about whereto begin with, please help ...
... it stands, I'm deciding toapplywith my 173 and if I ... want, I'll sit out a cycle, retake, and reapply (I ... their cycle would be willing to look over the beginnings of ...