I really need help with Reading comp, I have tried everything and I still average 15 Mistakes, anyone who consistently gets 0-5 wrong can you provide any tips for the next 2 weeks.
... can get up to 10 wrong on an individual LR section ... going over questions I did wrong using JY's video explanations ... to lessons more, and review wrong questions more than once?. I ... out LR questions they got wrong and to review them often ...
... question there are always 4 wrong answers and 1 right one ... that the other 4 are wrong, because only ONE can be ... why four answer choices are WRONG rather than why one is ... find the 4 that are wrong, you won't need to ...
I see why B is the best answer, but not 100 pct why it's right. Raphaela doesn't address this point specifically other than her umbrella statement that no government should ...
... look at what you got wrong (specific questions and questions per ... got X (or varying) number wrong, which is what any score ... the PT (most of my wrong answers are from RC, which ... section) I get 2-3 wrong on LR and I know ...