What are the most common question types on LR, as in the types such as weakening, principle etc that appear the most often on the test. We know what the most common LG types are, I'm just wondering if there are also any hard statistics for LR?
... of the course (“always, never, etc.”). These words have helped tremendously ... necessity relationships are just that etc. So too, are Sequencing relationships ...
... .e. basic linear, advanced linear, etc. and I'm doing problems ... linear, advanced linear, grouping, combination, etc. whereas 7Sage has In/Out ... , Sequencing with Twist, etc.
In this case did ...
After going through the 7Sage course, how many months should I spend working on practice tests, blind reviewing them and going over my weaknesses etc.?
I'm not using any of these test prep books because of what I've read on law school forums about how they're not very helpful and not "actual" LSAT questions. But I'm just curious to know, what makes them unhelpful? Is the making of an ...