LSAT 67 – Section 3 – Game 3

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Target time: 7:36

First sentence of question: A toy retailer is opening a small satellite store with exactly three aisles, numbered from 1 (lowest) to 3 (highest).

Question keywords: toy, retailer, opening, small, satellite, store, three, aisles, numbered 1, lowest, 3, highest, Six, sections, Fantasy, Hobbies, Music, Puzzles, Reading, Science, confined

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Relevant lessons: Introduction to sequencing games

At 10:55, J.Y. says, "you can put the H either here into 1 or you can stack the HS together" But you can't stack the HS together in this case. Q16 says, "the list of the sections located in aisle 2" and the answer choice (E) lists M R S as a full list, so you can't stack the HS together in the case of (E).

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LSAT PrepTest 67 Explanations

Section 1 - Reading Comprehension

Section 2 - Logical Reasoning

Section 3 - Logic Games

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Section 4 - Logical Reasoning

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