Two weeks ago, we released Sequencing Games with a Twist problem sets as a part of our online course to help students better hone in those LSAT skills. Today, we're happy to announce that every student enrolled in our LSAT Complete and LSAT Premium online courses now has access to the complete set of logic games problems. We sorted them according to the game types: Sequencing Games, Spatial Sequencing Games, Sequencing Games w/a Twist, In/Out Games, In/Out Games w/Sub-Categories, Grouping Games, Grouping Games w/a Chart, In/Outs w/Sequencing Game.
We limited ourselves to pulling these games from LSAT PrepTests 1-35. We don’t want to ruin the newer LSATs for you. Our online course makes you take timed LSAT PrepTests over and over again because that’s the only way to improve your score. As a part of the course, LSAT PrepTests from 36-65 are saved for you to download, print, take as timed LSATs, and review. Also as a part of the course, we have videos lessons that explaining each question from LSAT PrepTests 36-65.