Dietitian: Eating fish can lower one’s cholesterol level. In a study of cholesterol levels and diet, two groups were studied. The first group ate a balanced diet including two servings of fish per week. The second group ate a very similar diet, but ate no fish. The first group showed lower cholesterol levels, on average, than the second group. The two groups had displayed similar average cholesterol levels prior to the study.

Summarize Argument
The author concludes that eating fish can lower one’s cholesterol. This is based on a study comparing a group that ate fish and a group that didn’t eat fish. The fish-eating group ended up with lower cholesterol levels than the other group, even though the two groups started off with similar cholesterol levels.

Identify Argument Part
The referenced text is part of the support for the author’s conclusion. It helps to eliminate the possibility that the fish-group’s lower cholesterol is just a function of that group starting with lower cholesterol.

It is offered as an objection to the main conclusion of the argument.
The referenced text supports the conclusion.
It expresses the main conclusion of the argument.
The referenced text supports the conclusion, but it’s not the conclusion itself.
It rules out an alternative explanation of the data collected in the study.
This accurately describes the role of the referenced text. The fact the groups started with similar cholesterol levels eliminates the explanation that the fish-group just started out with lower cholesterol levels.
It provides background information on the purpose of the study.
The referenced text supports the conclusion. It’s not just background information.
It introduces an alternative explanation of the phenomenon described in the main conclusion.
The referenced text supports the author’s conclusion. It does not introduce an alternate explanation.