News and tips about the LSAT and law school admissions

Posts in the LSAT Category

Sign up to star your favorites Raw LSAT Score v. Scaled LSAT Score

LSAT score conversions can seem intimidating at first. You have no idea what a raw score or scaled score means. Fortunately, it’s not that tough. Soon you’ll know exactly how […]

Sign up to star your favorites Contest: Win 1 of 2 LSAT courses!

We want to help you study for the December LSAT. So, we’re giving away a a pair of free LSAT courses. The contest is open until Midnight, October 19th. Grand Prize: LSAT […]

Sign up to star your favorites Introduction To LSAT Reading Comprehension

The video is an excerpt from our online LSAT course. If you like the video, you’ll like the course. If you want to give it a test run first, you can sign […]

Sign up to star your favorites LSAT test day proctor instructions revealed

LSAT proctors on test day are strict. They make you stop at 35 minutes, period. You get very little time between sections. You only get one break, after the third […]

Sign up to star your favorites LSAT study schedule: 10 week day-by-day version

2013-03-13 Update:If you are enrolled in a full course you can use the Study Schedule Generator to make a study schedule customized to your needs. Students often ask for LSAT […]

Sign up to star your favorites Free LSAT Practice Materials

The LSAC, the makers of the LSAT, have provided a lot of good, free LSAT practice materials. But they’re buried amidst a lot of dull administrative information, so I made […]

Sign up to star your favorites New content! Complete logic games problem sets!

Two weeks ago, we released Sequencing Games with a Twist problem sets as a part of our online course to help students better hone in those LSAT skills. Today, we’re […]

Sign up to star your favorites LSAT proctor and timer for free download

One of our most popular free tools is the free Virtual 4-Section LSAT Proctor and Timer and 5-Section LSAT Proctor and Timer. Students of our online course use them to […]

Sign up to star your favorites LSAT prep course giveaway!

[Update July 1]: We are pleased to announce the winner of our give away: Congratulations Maggie H! We have a runner up prize for everyone who entered: A coupon for […]