It's all relative! Study hard and see where you are when decision time comes. It took me just the last twomonths of studying to jump into the low 170s! You can do it, and it doesn't take forever!
... . However, I put in 2 months of studying about 20-30 ... the basics down in those twomonths was essential - I went through ... week for then next 5 months. Whether that will be enough ...
I took the June 2017 test and got 154. I began this program early July and had just finished the core curriculum. Did my first PT today and got a 160! I have twomonths to push for a couple more points. I think you can totally break 160!
... go back into the first twomonths of my LSAT practice I ... LR sections in my first twomonths of practice I would get ... correct. BUT after a few months of doing a lot of ...
The GRE is way easier than the LSAT.. I studied twomonths for it and got 335.. I haven't taken the LSAT yet maybe I should try my luck. Only thing that sucks is I want to go UMiami law ?
... days a week for the twomonths leading up to the test ... an LR or RC or two of either in any combination ... />
I took the last two weeks leading up to my ...