If you're talking about the "never before disclosed" test in SuperPrep II, I did much better on it than my average about 2-3 points higher.. Especially on LR, I felt it was easier, but I'm not sure if this is because of the test or just me that day.
... last 14 days and gain 2-6 points to say there is ... realize you are costing yourself points by staying with a bad ... for sure improve the 4 points you need? No, no one ...
I have taken 2weeks off. Just getting back to it today. I was burnt out nothing made since, but confident that I'll keep my score up. The time off was much needed.
... would recommend AT LEAST a 2 week break. Your brain needs ... in December, I took about 2weeks off - 1 day was spent ... />
I think the extra weeks off is going to ultimately ...
... actually got my job about 2weeks after I began prepping ... and for those 2weeks I would study in ... Why can you only do 2 sections with review per day ... just feel burned out after 2? If the latter, then ... Sure enough a few weeks later I will be going ...
From November to the New Year I actually planned on specifically focusing on RC. The RCs in 40s over the course of the next 2weeks is very doable. Note here* I have used everything under June 2007 as drilling individual sections.*