... logic, this isn't technically true because of something called the ... /the-negation/
Second question: No. "Not all X are ... statement is not true in this world, it cannot be equivalent to ... the negation of "all." It couldbe the case that it implies ...
... as "subtle and weak missing premises". You are trying to locate ... are usually very strong missing premises and are clear in stating ... not have to betrue (it is not a MUST beTRUE) answer choice ... must betrue. If not, it will wreck the argument in question.
... of why each one couldbe wrong or right. You ... LSAT. Be able to differentiate NA vs. SA question types. ... that answer choice MUST BETRUE to make the argument ... the point that it couldbe valid (The missing premise ... where in a NA question, a SA answer choice ...
... of hands? Something that couldbe there but also doesn't ... information focuses on the question of when prehistoric human ... of particular aspects of the premises, rather than the relationship ... between the premises and conclusion. The test ...
You could throw this into the sufficient ... force the conclusion to betrue, and a really easy ... sufficient then the necessary must betrue (Woah, that’s ...
Why couldn't it be diagrammed as if maria ... to force that to betrue. We know that she ...
... to PT. Or you could divide it up different ... figure out why the premises do not completely ... conclusion (there will always be at least one reason ... eliminate it because it couldbe the correct answer. If ... when you were answering that question.
... arguments. While this is certainly true, there is a specific ... For a Most Strongly Supported question, a correlation does support a ...
The above statements, if true, most strongly support which of ...
I believe a case couldbe made for C being the ...
... fundamental lessons on lawgic and question types that J.Y. teaches ... get questions wrong, then upgrading couldbe something you can forgo. LSAT ... free explanations for all the question types for PTs 29 to ... if or when you need additional J.Y. test explanations to ...
... and figure out why the premises do not completely substantiate the ... 't eliminate it because it couldbe the correct answer. If you ... when you were answering that question.
... really focus on what the question is asking you. Many of ... questions (Most Strongly Supported, Must BeTrue, Main Point, Weaken, et cetera ... some of these questions can be very helpful to promptly ... you some time before you could retake them just before test ...
To answer your question though, the answer is, it ... and figure out why the premises do not completely substantiate ... t eliminate it because it couldbe the correct answer. If you ... when you were answering that question.
... , if there is any (this couldbe you circling and drawing lines ... what lines and variables the premises are (as separated from the ... as to 'why' in the premises). When I do that, I ... freebies because unlike most other question types, you can know what ...
... here is some sort of additional premise that if accepted, makes ... problem has been discovered to betrue, should we act on the ... />
Now let's consider the question stem. If this statement is ... we must take on the question thinking 'this is accepted, does ...
... said, its a strengthening question for the Development Commission's ... the DC's conclusion and premises. So there's a ... completely strengthens his argument! His premises for his conclusion to develop ... the WC's position might betrue. Personally, I think that ...
... choice in a necessary assumption question is not always right. ... choice to betrue otherwise the conclusion would not betrue? I think ... on what your conclusion and premises say. And use your ... " that answer choice to betrue. Because sometimes the answer choices ...
... The negation technique should be used for Necessary Assumption ... can no longer hold true due to the necessary ... answer choice we could see for a question like this? How ... Does it need to betrue that I drive a car ... 5 hours? No, it couldbe that I have a car ...
... conclusion valid? ".
I could conclude "some bad actions are ... apart. (yes, and its probably true for others, but that's ... that or morality. No, there couldbe other things that are different ... that under time for this question. This is because trying to ...
... goes down. Sure it couldbe antibiotic that caused the decline ... other species. Well the question that I am left with ... information that conflicts with our premises in stimulus) , then the ... us contradictory information than our premises in stimulus so it ...
... reasoning for a weakening question should be shifted. Instead of ... looking for an assumption made within the premises ... rationale lay-out for this question:
Argument ... assumption). If it is true that some animals have ...
... couldbe dedicated to doing one type of activity (drilling question ... /reread course content for question types that I missed most ... earlier that day or more question drilling (sometimes mixed sets). ... still raises my risk for additional clots. My medical team ...
... . If it was a strengthening question, it might say SA questions ... , if it was a weakening question, it might say 60 percent ... when it comes to assumption question. Just because we had identified ... choice could say "she can dribble". They both have to betrue but ...
There are ... .
What needs to betrue is that "some fruits are ... NA answer because needs to betrue, without that connection between apple ... guarantee our conclusion 100%. It couldbe that this painting was an ...
... anyone would because RC passages couldbe tedious, so I appreciate it ... doesn't tell us. It couldbe that this is an issue ... reading this passage/writing this question: Crop rotation meant that you ... 're going to be dirty. That is true for just about anyone ...
... is: something that has to betrue for the argument to function ... Something that as given must betrue and apply to the argument ... from the premises. A world where an NA is not true, is ... useful lesson. A necessary assumption question that has an assumption that ...
... /lsat_explanations/lsat-29-section-1-question-16/] correct answer choice ... in the stimulus, it could still potentially weaken the argument ... sense does it have to betrue?.
Answer choice "B ... of conditions in past will betrue in future.
*answer ...
... some additional errors, but it also meant I was finishing every question ... consistently I could take a risk and also get a question right ... . Do I fully understand the question in its entirety?