How does LSAC normally handle appeals for registering after the deadline? I failed to realize the June 2020 registration deadline was April 24th (largely due to finals for school, but that doesn't excuse it. Are they normally forgiving?
I just talked to one of my friends, who admitted Yale but decided to defer to 2021.
I simply wonder, how many people do you guys think will do the same things as my friend did. I guess, the more people in this cycle choose to defer, the ...
I have a question for the May LSAT-Flex takers who were signed up for the March or April tests originally. Did your photo carry over to the May test without having to upload it? Or did you have to reupload it?
Two boring questions:
Do we need to print out admission ticket? I'm assuming no but want to be safe
Do we need to have our phones with us to show we turned them off?