Not doing even an optional interview is a big red flag. Not sure how Washington works, but for instance if you don't do the "optional" Kira interview for Cornell, you aren't getting in. Based on your stats, there's a good chance this is for YP.
... constituted as cheating or having an unfair advantage. lets be clear ... will give those people an advantage. this is where you can argue ... how much of an advantage but there is no denying that ... that even question if this is cheating clearly did not study ...
... constituted as cheating or having an unfair advantage. lets be clear ... will give those people an advantage. this is where you can argue ... how much of an advantage but there is no denying that ... />
Yup, totally agree. This is exam is a beast and having ANY ...
An empirically observed correlation between two independent variables is necessary, ... condition for causality. Correlation is not causation, it just ... things. A positive correlation is two things going the ... up or down); an inverse correlation is two things going ...
... saying that it's just an estimate based on hard stats ... most important part of an application, there is so much that goes ... in terms of stats. Nothing is guaranteed -- but you lose nothing ...
@"Timmy Isan Avg Kid that ... t feel like an extra year is the end of ... reason. In fact, an extra year is very much worth ... your time if you can get an ... little bit of improvement is helpful! Overall, don’ ... yourself and know that an extra year can be ...
Yes and no. While being an international applicant definitely brings 'diversity ... if you graduated from an undergraduate degree outside the U ... a URM boost to an individual that is a minority but ...
So my personal opinions is that most schools would take ...
I feel this "high scoring bubble" will deflate since an experimental section is being added. But according to Spivey the medians of most schools will be increasing by a point or two for sure.
... bubble" will deflate since an experimental section is being added. But according ... schools to choose from. Which is where the limited number of ... crunch candidates. The other thought is with so many high scoring ...
It's definitely an argument. @McBeck418 is correct. If you need to, break the stimulus down into its individual statements and check for flow of support.
... subject). Generally, unless the predicate is about something being necessary/sufficient ... correct interpretation would be "If an animal is happy -> must have ... />
"An A+ average is difficult to achieve."
"An A+ average is required ...
... subject). Generally, unless the predicate is about something being necessary/sufficient ... correct interpretation would be "If an animal is happy -> must have ... ; "An A+ average is difficult to achieve."
> "An A+ average is required ...
Whatever variable is negated after your original chain ... written out, IMO. Whatever variable is reversed (positive to negative or ... original logic chain in an IN/OUT is A--> -B --& ... about E.
Where is the author of this ARG ... evidence presented, the PREMISE, does an awful job of supporting the ... on tangents that the ARG is not concerned about addressing. ... get around explaining _why_ an A/C is irrelevant, but it does ...
... suffers from this disorder and is only now (in her late ... far while dealing with an ailing parent is a tremendous accomplishment and ... understand first hand what it is like to have a parent ...
... are text based. An additive inference isan inference where you ... IS NOT. A great example is what @Kris4444 used above. (If an artist is ... % of the Sun is composed of an element(s) other ... br />
2. Apples contain an antioxidant that is _deadly_ to doctors and ...
... any individual instance of an A that is /B.
& ... test) is to show that in fact there isan instance ... of A that is not B, ... why in one instance is there an "and" and in ... implies some, but what is the relationship between "and" ...
... reason is sure they can help you get an intro to ... won’t give an advantage that is worth spending that ... it begins. The reason is you just have no idea ... what your professor is looking for until you ...
... reduce traffic congestion and an added bonus is a decrease in the ... of money and productivity that is a result of this ... t breakdown anymore. this is providing an AC that is outlandish. just because ... improved. if the congestion is way past the point where ...
... attacking a premise is a valid way of weakening an argument. an attack is "some dogs are not ... is actually truly attacking a premise is a valid way of weakening an ... wary when you think an answer choice is attacking a premise and ...