many = some.
Most = more than 50%.
Most implies some ( or many).
Some doesnotimply most.
too many” is a comparative opinion: too many = more than desired.
Hope this helps.
... negative example: "I cannot not watch TV." What can't ... "an ideal bur will always have complaints about probs not covered ... would be: "an ideal bur sometimes doesnot have complaints about ... probs not covered by regs ...
... a new show, had it not been canceled last season, was ... not a police drama. This just ... -offs and whatever. This info doesnotimply that there were any police ...
... stupid.
But that's not what happens in (D). Instead ... . But having no more dexterity doesNOTimply that they had no more ... -uprighters]. But (i) doesnotimply (ii), so (D) doesnot weaken the argument.
... difference between "anything" and "even if", is that the word ... />
The problem with "even if "is that it doesnot function the same ... . Even if, some apples are red doesnot mean that they ... />
I like this flower even if it doesnot smell good.
@"vanessa fisher" Right. Even J.Y. doesnot get all the inferences. His ability to brute force at supersonic speed, though, is almost superhuman, so he can afford to miss some inferences and still be super fast.
... consumer demand led to an increase. But that doesnot necessarily assume that ... demand doesn't lead to an increase. Here "because" is ... a premise. That is, because doesnot always give support for a ... that I was hungry is not support for the conclusion that ...
... demand led to an increase. But that doesnot necessarily assume ... demand doesn't lead to an increase. Here "because" ... . That is, because doesnot always give support for ... I was hungry is not support for the conclusion ... />
Hmm I'm still not sure I get it. He ...
... of said phenomena, having an oil industry background doesnot guarantee success. not; he actually took the ... a bird but it doesnot fly. Therefore its not true that just ... in our original question its not a flaw.