... do is note those question numbers and try to "blind" review ... back at the correct answer or the answer I picked. Assuming I ... clearly remember what the correct answer choice was after scoring it ... I remember the correct answer or the answer choice I picked on ...
... nervous not to check wrong answer choices once I've come ... across an answer that I think is correct ... (assuming that the answer is not E), but I ... they've found a correct answer choice.
... and only studied for a little over a week before starting ... curriculum and take religious notes, answer questions on the 7sage forums ... />
I want to add a little bit of my personal experience ... great except for one tiny little detail that you are unlikely ...
The correct answer to this question is information ... />
Let's go a little bit outside the stimulus to ... the argument? And if the answer is yes (that a mammal ...
... the hope of being a little less nervous and having a ... writing an explanation for every answer (this sounds painfully slow for ... ) blind reviews while working a little less than full time.
... you first try to remember little details in the passage. answer the questions first and then ... A. Also, you can eliminate answer choices after reading Passage A ... can choose among a few answer choices.
... the Phenomenon
* Common incorrect answer deepens, widens, intensifies, narrows, etc ... about “highly motivated students” does little to increase the support between ... />
##Practice ruthlessly eliminating all five answer choices
* Why?
* ...
answer choice B contains Most (the ... JY shared that it provides little bit of support to the ... to assume that MOST provides little bit of support for strengthening ...
... a correct CBT answer choice to a MBT answer choice in the ... they are for the correct answer on Q23 (E: L and ... the answer is right, but this approach just seems a little sketchy ...
... able to eliminate 3/5 answer choices without any problem. ... Of the remaining two answer choices (which is always ... the correct answer choice and one incorrect one ... end up eliminating the correct answer choice and choosing the incorrect ...
Hey, I generally read all the answer choices, but I thought it would save time if not. So, I am essentially asking is it better to be safe than sorry or save time? Thanks!
So a little background information. I studied for ... " wait till you are ready" answer, but i am still asking ... both areas. I am a little concerned because my current schedule ...
... thought/conclusion/principle into the answer choices (please don't say ... /reasoning into our selection of answer choice. (Ie. PT17.s2.q24 ... to the argument above?" Both answer choices seem to emphasize an ... --but I'm just a little surprised that (if this issue ...
... A because I thought that answer was the one that was ... it because it seems a little far fetched saying that the ... emissions standards - best expressed in answer choice (E)" but I don ...