Looking forward to the Blind Review sessions on ... :
1) Register by clicking the blue ‘Register’ button ... 74**; you're encouraged to attend the associated Blind Review ... into a breakout room by yourself to complete the test.
1) Register by clicking the blue ‘Register’ button ... test 75**; you're encouraged to attend the associated Blind Review ... put into a breakout room by yourself to complete the test. to indicate your preference. If ...
1) Register by clicking the blue ‘Register’ button ... test 76**; you're encouraged to attend the associated Blind Review ... put into a breakout room by yourself to complete the test. to indicate your preference. If ...
1) Register by clicking the blue ‘Register’ button ... test 77**; you're encouraged to attend the associated Blind Review ... put into a breakout room by yourself to complete the test. to indicate your preference. If ...
... 'm retaking it in August to go back and finish my ... correct thinking). And then simply by listening to JY, you absorb the ... a 1 point advantage just by listening to JY, who is very ...
... what they are doing to prepare themselves for test ... any tips for how to keep up your momentum, ... time, I want to be able to write a well- ... of their day to ease my anxiety by replying to my thread, ... thank you in advance and good luck to ...
I asked this question to an admissions officer at Loyola Law School, she told me to wait until the score in available. They told me that they would not look at the application until the LSAT score came in. I am going to wait.
... reported. LSAC reserves the right to cancel your registration, rescind ... take any other steps necessary to enforce this policy. ... , exceptions to this policy may be made by LSAC. To request an ... you feel make you eligible to retake the LSAT and ...
... already, you can do it by going to the "App Store" app ... bottom, and click "UPDATE" next to the 7Sage LSAT app. to Apple just a couple minutes ... can take up to a couple of weeks to approve, but I ...
... br />
I guess you have to go into knowing you could ... like anything, you have to decide what is right for ... you accomplish your goals by going to a cheaper law school ... ...or going to a lower ranked school ...
If its your dream to go to GW then you should ...
... is designed to measure one's ability to see the ... opposing arguments and evidence presented to support those arguments, since ... engage yourself by trying to foresee who is going to win the ... Also, it is very important to mentally summarize each paragraph in ...
It's hard to tell unless you analyze ... when reading the questions by trying to keep all of the ... head? Do you refer back to the passage too often? ... you need a short break to clear your thoughts before ... proceeding to questions? Do you rush ...
... t want to take it for granted by quitting to study ... boss is encouraging me to go for this possible ... there are other commitments to think of. Studying of ... first, but you have to find a balance between ... large workload so I tend to work overtime.
... but after narrowing it down to B & C, I ... justifying a given action by appeal to the value of its ... stands out and calls attention to answer choice C. ... means". This allows us to eliminate B because for one ... and they allow us to call into question the ...
And no... don't intermix the two courses. I'm keenly aware of TM's methodology as well as 7Sage's. You'll only confuse yourself by trying to do both concurrently.
... Higher ranked schools can afford to be more picky and ... d be better served by continuing to work in a field ... shouldn't train to become one. Exposure to the field is ... fine, but exposure to a related field could ... outside isn't likely to give you an accurate ...
... keep my mind from wandering by trying to be more aware/sensitive ... to when my mind starts to wander so I ... really start and redirect myself to the material at hand ASAP ...
... 8+ GPAs if I apply to Top 14 Schools). Honestly, ... , I've never managed to even attempt more than 3 ... for the letter I choose to bubble for all the ... would make up for it by managing to only get 3-5 ... sections, which still allowed me to break 170 regularly, but the ...
... 2015 applications and need to wait until 2016. Let ... just say that if by having to wait an extra year ... anything having to wait that year proves to you that ... can do all this to bolster your application and ... since you had extra time to prepare.
It sounds bizarre, but it really helps talking out the right answer choice. Whether it be to a significant other, pet, or to inanimate objects...it helps to solidify your understanding when you hear what you're actually saying. :)
... they are trying to be the most fair by only allowing ... accommodations to those that would ... accommodations. I think that by trying to protect the validity of the ... without accommodations and probably had to work harder than others ...
... after seeing my score drop by up to 10 points before the ... mindset had been "I want to see every single question before ... been better for me to think "I want to understand every question ... that on the last week, to NOT do any new full ...
Not in NY, but interested in a study partner/group tosort out the knowledge kinks. I am prep testing 170+ so it would be good match if the group is aiming and scoring near the ballpark.
... guaranteed shortcuts, but I want to make that point crystal clear ... under pressure, guess what comes to the forefront? Yep - those ... that you are being asked. The followup to every one of those ... which point you'd have to explain what the logical consequence ...
... people like to supplement Cambridge LSAT packets by type to add more ... sure it wouldn't hurt to go through them. ...
eta: also you seem to be all over the place ... so I caution to be sure you want to be a lawyer ... you won't want to continue by the end of LS
3 WAYS TO IDENTIFY PREMISE AND ... as much as, Owing to, As indicated by, After all, On ... conclusion? Try to answer that question by referring to the other sentences ... for Logical Reasoning passages to begin. This phrase always ...