... ](https://7sage.com/series/pt-blind-review/). On Monday we covered your ... encouraged to attend the associated BlindReview sessions on Monday and Tuesday ... ](https://7sage.com/series/pt-blind-review/)). You can take the PT ...
... -14 points lower than my BlindReview score (~164-165 on the ... and 176-178 on the BlindReview). I understand that there is ... difference between their Timed and BlindReview scores? Anecdotes, tips, and guidance ...
... practice test and doing a blindreview but should we still do ... to the questions to honestly blindreview them after but don't ... being efficient with studying and blind reviewing in a way that ...
... it will not include the logicgames sections. I am wondering if ... syllabus that only pertains to logicgames that I should skip. Or ... over? I have not study logicgames before nor am I interested ...
Have the lessons related to logicgames been taken out of the program? It seems as if the sections on logic of intersecting sets, conditional and set logic, & others are logicgames?
... averaging around 170-173 on blindreview pts, and about 92 ... ). however, my scores before blindreview tend to hover around 165 ... thoroughly read the passage during blindreview.
... without completing the actual blindreview, so the blindreview results were obviously the ... it recommended to complete the blindreview immediately after taking the practice ... best way to complete the blindreview after taking a 3 hour ...
Hello, I have been doing BlindReview and WAJing according to the lessons in the syllabus for LR and I found them extremely helpful. I was wondering if there is anything different I should do in terms of blind reviewing and WAJing for RC?
... the primary purpose of doing blindreview calls (everyone takes the same ... the answers are - essentially we blindreview together) at least twice a ...
... I just completed doing the blindreview by going through the diagnostic ... that I did the blindreview correctly as I went ...
My process of completing the blindreview was watching the videos twice ...
It shows this on the BlindReview under action:
If you ...
Obviously all of the current prep tests include logicgames, but should we skip them when practicing? What is the new timing of the LSAT now that LogicGames are no longer included? How does taking LogicGames out affect calculating scores?
... currently working on fool-proofing logicgames, however I do not always ... how to improve time for logicgames?
> Thanks ... sure when your blindreview your games that you practice splitting games boards where ...
blindreview, redo games until you can get them perfect and under target time, watch explanations, go thru the logic and advanced logic lessons from the logical reasoning section.
... your answers are right the blindreview is more or less ... t be too frequent, the blindreview of games is pretty quick. You ... try to spice up the blindreview by blind reviewing your setup too ... />
Yes, blindreview is strange for games so I didn't ...
The starter ... curriculum. That gives me 72 games by the end of this ... two months on Core Curriculum Review, LogicGames and reading (because I think ...