If an applicant has distinguished her/himself in, say, art, would s/he send examples of such artwork? Or only make mention, in the personal statement, of the accomplishments and/or accolades accrued from that endeavor?
I just missed your group study on Jan 8th. Here is one question I don't know why C is the best answer to Q13.
As the two sentences are responses from Bordwell in proving musicals still fit into his theory, he mentioned ...
... to the diverse BU classroom experience and community. BU Law values and ... recognizes the importance of diversity. BU Law continues its long-standing ... a diverse classroom is indispensable." (BU)
Any current or former UPenn students willing to do a quick chat? Anyone who is a Toll Scholar or Fellow would be particularly cool to talk to but I'm not picky. Looking for inspiration for "Why School X"
... Boston University. I slightly prefer BU, but would be perfectly happy ... and not too far below BU's. However, the medians increased ... 165 instead of 164, and BU is 169 instead of 167 ... . BU's GPA median actually lowered ...