I am trying to prepare and find myself having to go to each individual link for the PDF files. Is there one link for all these documents I can just print? I am doing the starter packet. Thanks!
So I faxed my cancellation form and got a receipt back, but I am still nervous that something got fucked up. Should I do anything else to make sure they know of my intent to cancel? Or should I just let the process play out?
And I don't mean just for the LSAT - for anything.
Do you unwind with some TV? What shows do you watch?
Do you snack or grab some coffee? Run around the block?
Maybe you read a book or chat/text a friend?
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1. Must be true / CANNOT be false
This type ... words, the correct answer choice CANNOT be false. The four incorrect ... words, the correct answer choice CANNOT be true. The four incorrect ...