I really need help with Readingcomp, I have tried everything and I still average 15 Mistakes, anyone who consistently gets 0-5 wrong can you provide any tips for the next 2 weeks.
I have read the Reading Comprehension bible, LSAT Trainer, and ... still can't improve on reading comprehension. I keep missing 8 ... cut out to do well inReadingComp.
... "mapping" when it comes to readingcomp. I have taken a Kaplan ... specific route to doing the readingcomp ( like notes, or mapping or ... do when it comes to readingcomp? Do you take notes on ...
... 74 exams. Instead of squeezing in all five, I want to ... and thoroughly BR 2-3 in the last week.
< ... readingcomppassages? I'm inclined to think that they're generally comparable in ... very difficult or unusual games/readingpassages.
... up the games (Linear/grouping/in-out) with each month as ... completing a minimum of 20+ Readingcomppassages a month. Do you think ... could give and thank you in advance for your help!
Hey guys! Can someone please help me with understanding exactly how to do BR for readingcomp? It's seems much more intuitive to me how do to BR for LR and LG but not so much for RC. Thanks for your help:)
I really struggle with reading comprehension, and have been ... subscribing to the economist and reading random articles that I ... basis and using the 7sage reading comprehension method to really ... you who are killing the readingcomp section. What works??
"Nothing in this world can take the ... will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent ... what you just read about inreadingcomp. (Still not sure why Elline ... . So go about your studies in the most efficient manner you ...
I moved to the US 10 years ago when I was 18, and I started speaking English only then. Unsurprisingly, ReadingComp is my weakest section. Anyone who speaks English as a second language but has experienced some success on the RC?
... if it’s true that readingcomp is weighted more heavily on ... ? I’m taking the test in October and I’m not ... if it will be if readingcomp is worth more. Also does ... tips on how to improve inreadingcomp/how to stay focused?