I've been studying on my own with books but I really need to improve on LR to do well in December after bombing Sept. So I new to such terms as drilling and blind review.
I am retaking the LSAT in December and was wondering what everyone is doing for their drill work. I am basically going to drill full sections and review them and find out what my weaknesses are. Any advice?
Hi guys! So I just purchased the Cambridge drill packets for NA/strengthen/weaken questions and I wanted to know where in the pdfs you can find the difficulty level. Thanks!
I am trying to prepare and find myself having to go to each individual link for the PDF files. Is there one link for all these documents I can just print? I am doing the starter packet. Thanks!
I know that a lot of people state that you should try to drill with the older exams and take full PT with the recent exams. What exams are considered "recent" in order to take full timed PTs?