In Prep-Test 76 the system scored me wrong on S1 Q18, when my answer matches the solution table supplied with the prep-test and other online resources.
PT19. S2. Q17
Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with this one. Here is how I diagrammed it.
premise1) devote to study natural process---- have leisure
premise 2) resources plentiful --- have leisure
JY mentions by full proofing if you didn't do the question in the proper time, to go over it several more times. whats considered the proper time for each logic game? Do i give myself an extra minute or two if its a hard logic game?
Hey! So, has anyone here taken a formal logic course or found a source like Khan that does one? We hear all the time that this test it all logic, and even through grad school, I never had to take any form. I am wondering if it would be worth taking it as a ...