... need your advice in logicgames. For solving miscellaneous games, what should be ... approach? Since those games don't fall into a specified category , ... solution.My approach to solve a foreign setup should be ... that is a good way to deal with foreign games. Am ...
... you are foolproofing and make a silly mistake by reading a question incorrectly ... calculate your overall timing on a section and see what time ...
This may be a stupid question because I haven ... I'm currently going through logicgames in the CC and I ... of hard to easy logicgames in the 4 games on the actual ... get 4 easy games, 4 really hard games, 4 medium games, etc. or ...
Can someone explain the process of fool-proofing? What resources do you use? Does is matter if I fool proof before or after going through CC? How many months (average) does is take?
... average). When I am foolproofing individual games, I usually complete them under ... know if it is solely a product of the added stress ... often. It seems I have a difficult time making the inferences ... -2 timed sections a day and 1 PT a week. Any help ...
... 've just started on the logicgames section of the course, where ... found a way to do this without noting and listing the games ... then going into all the logicgames materials and picking them out ... the full list of example logicgames used in the course in ...
Is anyone else lost with logicgames? I''ve been studying for ... for several months and the logicgames ( not even the easy ones ... pick a different career if I just can't learn logicgames? Everyone ...
So I took a course with Blueprint and I ... got 15/23 on the LogicGames section. What is the best ... my score? I've seen a few books by Powerscore on ...
... feeling good, but nervous for logicgames. Do you think I should ... beginning for a few days and then move to logicgames, or just ... />
Any advice and encouragement for logicgames is appreciated :')
... on Blind Review, but the logicgames are killing me on timed ... tend to get all the logicgames correct, sometimes -1, but it ... 't finish all four games in time. How do I get faster ...
... I don't bomb my logicgames section. I certainly haven't ... mental or maybe I rush games that I can take 12 ... keep foolproofing and do the games that gave me the most ... think I can pull off a great LG section on test ...
... I could not improve on logicgames. However, I took J ... started drilling the same logicgames problems until I was ... have noticed a significant improvement on my logicgames score just ... you're feeling hopeless about logicgames, keep practicing because practice ...
... wanting some tips for practicing LogicGames. I am open to all ... hard. I thought I had a few skills down pack, but ... I may need a little more assistance. I’m ... for tips on setting up a LG, recognizing different LGs and ...
... all the games from PT1~current, with a few remaining ... />
But whenever I face a new LG section, I ... improvement, although my conditional logic is much more solid ... suffers whenever I see new logicgames.
I've been ... d be very happy with a -5 on the real ...
... br />
Finished foolproofing LG (highly recommend to ... br />
For foolproofing logical reasoning sections would I ... go about it in a similar way to the ... BR same day after a break, repeat the section ... see if others had a better way of increasing ...
In general, for LogicGames execution, I am curious do ... to the question? For some games when I split the board ... diagram I find myself erasing a lot as I move to ... more efficient to draw up a whole new diagram or erase ...
... guys so I review my logicgames with the 7 sage videos ... think that of there is a variable that is limited to ... this has backfired on me a couple times.I appreciate any ...
... . I can map 95% of games and rules with ease. I ... the games explanations. And I implement some of his material when fool-proofing ... the medium-hard and up games.
Where is the databank? Also when doing a study schedule why does it just go down the line and not introduce us to reading comprehension and logicgames earlier in the process?
Read on the news that a recent lawsuit means that over ... section and replacing it with a brand new section. Does anyone ... the option not to take LogicGames at all!!
I am a bit worried because I have studying rediculously hard for logicgames and I hear that they might be on the cutting room floor? Any chance that it might be come november? Its my best section.