I'm planning on visiting Georgetown next week. There is no tour/info session so I can only take a self-guided tour. Has anyone ever done a self-guided tour? Is it still a valuable way to learn about a school?
In stark contrast with the Georgetown Alumni Interview (see: https:// ... /i-just-interviewed-with-georgetown-heres-what-to-expect), ... good amount.** While the Georgetown Alumni Interview felt like ... But while other schools (like Georgetown) would just ask "can ...
I really would like to hear from someone who has a friend, attending law school W/Tiffany Trump?! It would help get my mind off this cycle, by hearing some gossip of what it is like...
... the military and going to Georgetown has always been my dream ... want to apply ED for Georgetown.
My LSAC GPA is ... any advice on getting into Georgetown or rather, how I should ...
Hi 7sagers, my name is Eliza and I am struggling with my morale and confidence with the LSATS. I need your **advice/encouragement** from all you **long term studiers/full time jobers/low gpa-ers/need scholarship-ers** who might have been/currently in the ...