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I am feeling deflated after getting a score MUCH lower than ... PTs. Throughout May, I was getting in the 170s with a ... chalk it up to being sick. But to make things worse ...
I've been approaching 156-160 on my PT's 46-52 however I took PT 80 and scored a 152. PT 80 seemed extremely hard to me. Are the later prep tests getting harder?
I applied about three weeks ago and last week I received an email inviting me to interview. I interviewed last week and was wondering if getting a HLS interview is a good sign for my chances of admission?
I can't recall if further more was one of our indicator words. I am getting confused, does furthermore introduced the main conclusion and follow the main premise?
I have been doing untimed reading comprehension drill. I am still getting -12 wrong on the section.
Any tips on improving and how to drill properly for reading comprehension?