Hey guys! I will be taking the test on Saturday. I know the 35 min sections along with the break, but howlong can I expect to be at the testing facility? I am taking it at a smaller location. So hopefully that will make it a little shorter! Right?
... riffing about what todo in the days following up to taking the LSAT, and ... it. It was recorded for the last June LSAT, but the advice applies across the ... -for-the-june-2017-lsat/
I've just started the LG section of the CC and I can't even set up the board game correctly in some of the questions. When did you start seeing improvement?
Howlongdoesittake for LSAC to process international transcripts?
It's been over two ... I should wait for the transcript to be processed to my file. Three ... ! I emailed them about the confusion, to which there was no reply ...
Howlongdoesittake for LSAC to process the writing samples? I took the November exam and the earliest ... I can takeit ... back on time. Not the end of the world I guess, just ...
... started my first attempt todothe Blind Review after trying ... todothe Blind Review in the most effective way or doit ... 2. Howlong should I taketodothe blind review?
3. Howdo you ... the same time, I do not want to waste my time doing
... new here, planning on taking the LSAT in a bit over ... doing this, is it a general rule to accomplish all 800 hours in ... 7Sage? Or is it relative ... per person? please share your thoughts, id love to ...
Hello, I recently upgraded to LawHub advantage but I still cannot access the material on 7Sage. Howlongdoesittake for the material to become available?
Basically, as it says, there's a question ... wants me to list allthe other schools I'm applying to. As of ... now, I am only applying to one other school - but I ... will likely apply to more later on. **Any advice ... on what I should do in this case?**
... have done it if I knew how much time it would take. After all of ... that I would start on PTs ... months or so before the actual test todoallthePTs - you will have at ...
... could order it on the LSAC website, so I ordered it on Amazon ... it becomes available - it hasn't even been shipped yet ): Howlongdoesittake for the PT to ... arrive if you order it on the LSAC website ...
... can do? And howlong would ittaketo improve?
I need to slow down to fully ... understand what the ... too, but it's also hard not todo that without impairing the understanding...
... she said she faxed the letter... Do you know whether I ... case?
And howlong will ittaketo show up on the website?
I ... only answered it may take up to 10 days...is it really that long?
I generally agree with the above posters that you can' ... thing to realize is that admissions does not review applications in the order ... />
> @laurenkentlaw said:
> Howlongdoesittake for the score to come in once you go grey?????? (SO terrified right now)
can take minutes to hours, unfortunately !
... thing to remember is that not all journeys are the same... just because it ... took one person 3 months to ... not so much... Also, howlong did ittaketo get tothe current score? There are ...
To add on tothehowlong did ittaketo study, do you remember roughly how many hours per week ... you put in to ... in biglaw, or do you eventually want to transition to a different kind ...
... LG started out good, all of the games felt standard. But ... contacted LSAC and the nice woman I spoke to recommended that ... like this before? Howlong did ittake for y'allto hear back from ... LSAC regarding your retake? I read about the ...
... . LG started out good, all of the games felt standard. But my ... like this before? Howlong did ittake for y'allto hear back from LSAC ... very confused)––both midway through the exam and also 3 minutes ...