... I did easily over 100+ hours.
In September, I ... October, I was doing 30+ hoursa week for the first two ... for me. (5/6 hoursaday Mon-Sat) Then I did ... days, about 6-7 hours each day because I needed three ... should I take a break (and if so, how long?) I' ...
... That said, I think a major problem for me, ... I studied for 10+ hoursaday, 7 days a week, for around 4 ... was drained. I did see a decent improvement (20 points, ... said, how should I plan out my breaks? 1 day off ... per week? Half day off on Sundays ...
I have realized after taking a speedy prep course two times ... rush and its about 24 hours of studying per week which ... I only went from a 134 to a 146 and I ... to study around 2-3 hoursaday instead of 6-8 which ... range of studying per day as 2-3 hours are. I just ...
... />
My diagnostic was a 140. I've written ten ... September. I started at a 158 on my first preptest ... last three tests have been a 158, 155, 158. how long does the course take ... can put in 10-12 hoursaday.)
... applying this cycle (owe a few more years to the ...
My GPA was, unfortunately, only a 3.31 (I had too ... />
I spent about 3 hoursaday, 5 days a week for 5 weeks ... by June? And if so, how do I go about studying ... a 165, want a 170. Should I retake in June, and how ...
... for later practice) and a good chunk of the ... 39 untimed the other day and got a (-2), so I ...
Does this sound like a good plan? Should I have ... typically study 2-3 hoursaday with 4 hours on Saturday. ... as I only knew how to do basic linear games ...
... too busy (working 13+ hoursaday), partly because I'm ... />
I browsed a few top law schools' websites ... well in English use a professional editing service ... we definitely frown upon a professional service. This is ... You'd be surprised how easily we are able ...
... average of 6-8 hoursaday the first two months ... my Prep (rarely taking a break day). Every since mid-July ... an average of 5-7 hoursaday. I have been consistently ... managed to score a 167, I felt a very strong ... need good advice on how to overcome my fatigue ...
... tell em to postpone because A. I can't anymore, ... . I need advice on how to break through this plateau ... varies since if I understand a passage I can pull ... zero but if its a hard passage I can ... am studying every single day for several hoursaday. Any tips would ...
... I am aiming to score a 165, the last time ... I took a practice test I scored ... nine correct. I have a learning disability known as " ... silly stuff like writing a rule that something occurs ... on doing 30 logic games aday fool proofing previous games. ...
... I have already learned a considerable amount about the ... I have also realized how much I do not ... .
On a different note, I have already ... And with around 8 hoursaday so far watching JY' ... sleep." This gave me a laugh and simultaneously frightened ...
... a college friend who studied for a month and scored a ... friend who studied 4 hoursaday for 3 months and ... If you study for 4 hoursaday for 3 months, you will ... studies group who studied for a month, killed it, ... admit, they hurt my pride a bit.
... had a general question about overall studying time. I often see many ... or even 7 or 8 hoursaday on LSAT prep which is ... and a half or 2 hours at a time. 3 hours at a time ... of the 2 or 3 hours I'm studying. Often ... than 2 or 3 hours at a time aday? What are some ...
I've taken a lot of the older PT' ... . I have 23 days left. How should I split up the ... am studying around 8-10 hoursaday. I know burnout is possible ... chances are of actually hitting a 160 on PT.
... a 160 is seen as the minimum respectable score. I receive many ... messages a month about people asking ... seems to be a score a lot of people ... believe everyone should aim for a 180. Period. However, ... helpful to put together a thread with tips ...
Howmany PT in total are we generally advised to take, prior to the actual exam? I will finish the core curriculum soon and will have about one month to take pt's. Is that enough? (taking the sep lsat)
Hi, I'm aiming for September, 2017, and I'm lagging behind on my PTs. Would it be a good idea for me to start taking two PTs aday? (I'm currently taking one everyday.)
... 'll be wrapping up my CC this week and plan on ... schedule will be, one PT a week for the month of ... studying full-time (6-8 hoursaday-weekends off). Any suggestions which ...
... 've been studying around 9 hoursaday for a while. I think I ... threads however I have absorbed a lot of advice from all ... DFW area that could use a good paying job which allows ... study at work send me a pm.
I am wondering how long it took you all to start going -0 to -1 on LG. Howmany LG sections did you complete by the time you started hitting that -0/-1 consistently?
... applications require me to specify howmanyhours I worked per job, ... I cannot remember exactly howmanyhours I worked for one particular ... ballpark of 8-12 hoursa week and then it ... from 15 to 25 hours...I don't remember). ... and I've had a good amount of jobs ...