Title says it all but until when doyou guys suspect LSAC to administer the flex? Doyou guys see them doing so until early next year... or doyou think Nov may be the last?
So far there are only 5 I am really interested in but I feel like I should apply to more to give myself a better chance. Is there anyone who knows of a 'magic' number? Would also love to hear howmanyyou all are applying to.
... write down on my first read, but sometimes I make those ... you to double check your rules after writing them down or doyou ... just read once and GOGOGO?
... you have the opportunity to forgo an application, do not fear delaying, do ... not fear time. Seriously, don't let the fear of how ... despite howmanytimes the test tries to make you settle. Even if you don ...
I see many people always mention they do one section of the test, Blind review it, and then check their answers, I'm unsure on how I can do this on 7sage?
... know that many people take this test multiple times and that ... even 7 times. I'd like to save as many fresh PTs ... after April, howmany PTs would you recommend that I do in these final ... Howmany of the 80s would you save up for potential retakes? Howmany PTs ...
I'm looking at the Flaw-Descriptive Weaking questions and Necessary Assumption questions on the CC. Each of them has about 20 example questions and 20 PSETs. Is it recommended to do all of them? If not, howmany are recommended?
... (all?) of you, I heard manytimes about how the LSAT isn' ... of 1L grades, you just have to do it to get ... I've lost count of howmanytimes I've thought or written ...
Not that you can't rock law school ... the type of prep many people/companies push, or ...
... like to know what exactly doyoudo when you get questions incorrect for ... to get any tips on how to improve my protocol because ... any one-on-one tutoring you could provide. If that is ... well. And I will pay you by hour after the session ...
Doyou think that a diversity statement/ ... " style language? Should you be worried about howyou are describing a situation ... it sound too much like you are writing for a book ...
3. I read on the LSAC website that ... , one will be able to read one's answer. Because I ... link that enables me to do that, I'm afraid my ... , I am extremely frustrated by howmanytimes I have had to try ...
... for my family. Like many of you, this test terrified me ... I wanted a 170. I readmany online forums that claimed that ... this mountain slope, no matter howmanytimes I fall.
... game and no matter howmany practice tests you take, you will feel anxious ... that all I needed to do was show up and take ... normally high level difficulty and do not subscribe to a common ... if I knew how to do it. This allows you to bypass a ...
... . You now know what it wants you to do, right? Now read the ... me to do?" Consider ever word. For most questions, you probably ... there will be some that youdo notice one word here or ... must also be true?" Manytimes, I would read something like that quickly ...