... there is absolutely a way for you to bring that score ... down howto foolproof: https://7sage.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-score-on-the ... more specific advice ona study plan tailored to your goal score ... tutoring program! Feel free to schedule a consult with one of ...
... First of all, congratulations on hitting a 172. It's no ... : https://7sage.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-score-on-the-logic-games/. ... more than two Practice Tests a week to prevent burnout!
... based on your analytics, you're always welcome to schedule a consult ...
... https://7sage.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-score-on-the-logic-games/. to be stuck on Logic Games, but as a tutor, I ... always recommend staying consistent with foolproofing to ... Logic Games, feel free to set up a consult with one of ...
... a solid month foolproofing around 40 games (https://7sage.com/how-to-get-a ... -perfect-score-on-the-logic-games/). ... disabilities, but I'm willing to bet my parents' house that ... . It took me almost a month to get my mojo back. < ...
I messed up on my LG section when I had a computer issue. ... the timer had run down to the end. I really don ... 't want to lose the data for how long the ... questions take or get a false ... but can you just delete asection and restart it?
... is just as important as how well you understand any of ... than get hung up on any particular section or PT, I focused ... books, partly because I wanted toadda different learning modality but also ...
... happens on the actual PT, esp seeing as how LG is asection where ... one can get the most points, howto ... not be frazzled and work through a proper strategy?
I was going to take my first Prep test ... soon and I wanted to keep the stamina level as ... possible. When you go to take a PT on the 7Sage website it ... and I was wondering how would you incorporate a5th experimental sectionon the site?
... day on Saturday. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how do ... you end the section when you finish ... I'm seeing on the LSAC platform is "pause section" which doesn ... 't end it. Also, is there a way to just ...
... up pretty majorly on the LG and RC section.
I ... when it came to the Logic Games section and spent way ... psyched myself out. How can I get more confident ... me with some advice onhow I can get through ... I get a really low score. I would like to retake ...
... that he used to do a LG section before each PT to warm up ... . So I started doing that. 1 section of ... section and I am pretty beat by the end of the 5th ... is just a stamina thing that I need to work on? How much do ...
... whos underperformed on their first take.
I scored a 160 which ... is 5 points below my average on my ... worse as the test went on. My 5thsection was LR and I ... is something I’m going to work on while studying in the ...
... score was a 167, and I managed to break a 171 on exactly one ... was on an exam that had a relatively simple logic games section and ... of how I did. I missed one entire game due to my ... I do to maximize my potential on the next exam? How should I ...
... posting on behalf of a 7Sager. They would like to get ... I got 20/27 on reading comprehension. Now every ... finish without enough time to read and answer the ... passage - any tips onhow I can fix this.< ... designed to be more difficult in certain sections on certain ...
... weakest section of the test is RC. I have a tendency to ... be super inconsistent; I can range from a –4 toa –14 on ... any given RC section without really ... Does anyone have any advice onhow I can overcome this problem ...
... I've reached out toa few of you over the ... and my BR was a 168. My section breakdown for the test ... but I am still stuck ona 158 and my BR is ... a168. My aim is to get toa 170+ and I am ... not sure what. Any advice onhowto proceed would be greatly appreciated :)
Hi how can I take one or two sections digitally and BR? Currently to take asection you have to start with sec 1 ona pt. how can i do like sec 2+3 digitally of a pt and not have to do sec 1
... situation. I want to outline some strategies onhowto maximize your chances ... times over the course of asection, 15 seconds here, 20 ... questions less per section. If you are down to 2 answer ... have it, a rough guide onhowto handle the dreaded down to 2, ...
... yourself onhow quickly you want to go through the LR section. Some set a ... -strategy-long-read-on-a-strategy-to-help-you-attain-a-170-score on each LR section but if you are trying to get to 170 ...
... feel like I have a good grasp of howto improve in the ... not necessarily the RC section. I'm a scientist so the science ... to return toon my second pass. I tend to have a mix of questions to ... return to ...
... , if I want to go -0 in the section then I ought ... to target for time? to spend on this particular question? a huge value-add but just not sure howto interpret here ...
... as a “blank slate” to both learn the law, understand how ... that law might be applied to cases and ... plan on writing a masters thesis on the origins of the 5th Amendment ... can on these boards, particularly trying to answer the question: how much ...
... and need an advice onhowto continue studying before the ... if I do one PT a week averagely.
... studying 6 days a week, 5-6hrs a day. Should I ... or just one section at a time? How should I schedule ... I spend enough time on each section before the test?
... going from a cold diagnostic of 142 to getting a 169 on the ... down of how I approached each section. I forgot toadda mildly important ... to jot down on some flash cards. I wanted to play to ... @kkole444 asked me to recreate the cards on Quizlet so they could ...