... in November and since I just started and I'm ... of you have suggestions on howtostudy? I'm also a ... taking classes in the summer and full-time in the ... through the curriculum to understand the concepts and only do a ... done by mid-july and just keep on doing ...
I would like to know the communities thoughts on howtostudy for upcoming flex ... it no longer makes sense to take standard full length PT ... advisable? Obviously it cannot hurt to do more questions - but as ... goal of PT's is to recreate test day conditions...
... the mid 150's and what I've noticed ... I am missing all and I mean all the ... V. High questions and none of V. Low ... 160's (going to my state school) and while my score ... will get me in - I want to ... I'm just not able to make the move up. ...
... anyone know howto set the problem set timer to 35 minutes? I ... don't want to see my time going from ... 0:00 to 35:00 so the unlimited ... , I want to have the timing set to 35 minutes to 0 rather ...
I feel like my accuracy is pretty good on LR, but does anyone have any advice on howto get through the section in a more timely manner? Strategies? Shortcuts?
... routine and structure in regards to a study schedule. I was wondering- how does ... lost on howtostudy effectively (and not just studyto say I did and waste materials ... ). I need to build ...
... improved from going -5 to getting between -1 and -3 on LR ... m taking the August LSAT and obviously this is kinda ... more convoluted and I find that the arguments harder to understand. ...
Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how ...
... or 5 section exams... and have heard of an ... Is there any break between sections? I would assume ... section early. How long is the break between each section? ... 15 minute break between section 3 and 4 but that ... would expect the break to be between 2 and 3?
... myself counseling students on howto manage their emotions and stay grounded as ... been a valuable resource to my students and frankly it’s been ... LSAT study process is such a marathon, it’s nice to start ... I’ve given a copy to family and friends. Check it out ...
Hello, in the RC section I struggle a lot with finding the main point of the passage. Does anyone have any strategy for howto quickly figure out the main point of a RC passage?
I scored a 155 on the november LSAT. I did practice tests 74-89 and the flex exams. I want to get into the 160's. I am really unsure on howtostudy for this month and a half. Any advice?
I need help with trying to answer the questions that ask something along the lines of "Which of following could substitute the condition (insert rule here)"? I don't know howto approach these at all.
No matter what problem set, I always miss the high priority questions. I can't figure out howto isolate those so I can practice them. Does anyone know how?
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I am really struggling with howto negate conditional statements when they ... Logical Reasoning Bible says to add a "not" to negate, but I ... unless they have been able to survive in that habitat after ... because I am unsure of howto negate them.
Hi everyone. I applied to law schools and realized I needed to also submit an addendum. Anyone have any suggestions howto email the school and ask to add the attached file to my application file?
... through the 7Sage course to help refine my logic ... studying for 8 months and plan on taking the ... week to help me prepare and give tips/tricks on howtostudyand ... and you have tutored in the past (given on how ... Message me your rates/availably and we can go from ...
So when I take LR sections timed I get around a 10/26. But when I complete it BR with no constraints I am able to score like a 20. Does anyone know howto improve timed???
... this test for a year and a half now. June will ... 3rd time taking the test, and over the course of my ... m scoring high 160's to low 170's, but I ... I'm remembering the answers to some of the questions from ... for LC and RC. Does anyone have any advice on howtostudy for ...
... test in about 2 weeks, and I am stuck at a ... . I average -3 to -4 on LG and -9 on RC, however ... LR score varies so much and not in a good way ... . Im in need of ways to get just a handful more ... questions right on LR to get my score to the 160s :/ Any ...
Does anyone have advice on howto seek out legal volunteering & internship opportunities in your local area. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
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I am planning to take the august lsat and aiming for 171 ... -3 to -1
LG -1 to 0
RC -11 to -4 ... . Is it possible to improve my RC and bring my average up ... to 171+ In a month ...
... /advice for the best way to take prep tests for the ... section isn't always going to be LR) but I am ... 't be what it needs to be for the actual 4 ... any tips or tricks on howto make a PT with an ...
Looking for up to 10 other people tostudy with (sometimes) and keep each other ... 153, 161, 156, 160, 161 and 167 in that order; I ... wouldn't complain to get a 167 again, but ...
... the new T-14 medians, and I'm not sure whether ... questions in RC and Weaken questions in LR, and I have been ... typically miss between 4 and 6 questions in RC, between 1 and 4 questions ... in LR, and typically go perfect ...
I am 77% done with 7Sage CC. I am looking for anyone tostudy with me at Gangnam. I can pay for the usage of study cafe. I am a 29-year-old Korean American male with a family residing in Korea