... but just the Core Curriculum is taking forever! It's taken ...
I'm spending the time to truly absorb everything though which ... How long did it take you guys to get through the foundations, Logical ... I give enough time to drill the crap out of everything and ...
'Is it possible to unchecked a lesson ? I wanna remove the green heck mark because I accidentally went through the lesson but didn't finish it . Would rather not star it since that means " important / focus on again/ confusing " in my head.
... the 100% correct under timed conditions, but somehow it isn't translating to ... ) freeze 2) fail to push out all of the inferences so I consistently ... a 70% to closer to 90% by the December test? Is it even possible ...
... 159. I knew I burned out. I took a one- ... I only had 5 170s out of my most recent ... />
When I went tothe test room in December, I ... I decided not to apply for the cycle and retake it in Feb ... I would try to force myself to go through the processes even ...
... , so I'm taking the test in October and I ... solid amount of time to study before the test, I'm feeling ... things. Any advice on how to fix out some (all, any!) of ... questions wrong in BR (hence the 173).
2. I' ... ve scored 167 the last 4 PTs and I ...
... A also explain the conflict by point outthepossibility that: maybe because ... read this, but it comes out naturally to me when I encounter ... seems also problematic to me. Would it be valuable for ... nowadays scientists to study earlier ...
I am supposed to be taking the December LSAT, because of ... looking to go to any top school. Is it worth itto wait for the ... February or June LSAT? Would any schools accept the ... February 2016 LSAT to start in Fall ...
... taking the exam two times, the feeling is discouraging. Is it unrealistic to bank ... the experienced posters seen it happen? Sometimes it feels like i'm trying to ... climb out of ...
... you suggest is the best way to go about PTing? ... recognize a fair amount of the questions. For example, ... dipped a considerable amount in the 70+ tests in LR ... on the more recent exams and BR the hell out of ... the 30s/40s for fresh(er) questions ? When it comes to ...
Been going through the curriculum now for roughly ... people want to know how long does it take to improve their ... the material) how long it takes to master the fundamentals of the curriculum (e.g., the ... etc.). Did you have to watch the videos more than once? ...
... authoritarian rule tends to bring about various changes in society” refers tothe 3 ... it’s difficult to pre-phrase but the passage MUST be able to prove outthe ... health of the nation’s economy the passage doesn’t leave outthepossibility of ...
I'm trying to figure outthe best way to get myself moving quickly enough ... too fatigued to be able to perform at my best in the later ... pacing problems - being rushed towards the end of a section because ... off reading too slowly - it's in the first section. How do ...
... interesting and wanted to share it with the community since it seems like something ... that they want to talk about it and analyze it for our entertainment ... another way to nerd out:
... I could only apply to one school. But this ... rejected pretty late in the cycle, and now ... I should call the school to find out where my ... application was weak. I'm also rewriting the ... lsat in Sept to hopefully improve ...
... order to gear up for the September LSAT during the past ... that I may have to take the December and February(if ... because I'm willing to hear out all advice. I was ... approach studying the right way since I had to figure outthe hard ... studying isn't going to cut it.
... use without having to pay to print out certain problem sets ... I was wondering if printing outthe problems to do actual marking on ... me to mark would would help me more tothe point where it ... is worth printing itout. Thanks!
... the test was handed out, the lady tothe right of me was sneezing. The lady tothe ... to hand to her. I simply took it from her and gave ittothe lady tothe ... right of me and the next ... your final warning. If it happens again, you will ...
... , out of habit I wanted to find the sufficient assumption. Well it turns out that ... that the argument ignores thepossibility of. More specifically, that the argument ignores thepossibility that ...
... are the contexts for this answer choice. The passage clearly lays out why ... "zoologists first classified it(okapis) as ... a member of the horse family." But itfailsto say ...
... understand the flaw of the survey: how itfailsto distinguish the residents who dropped out in ... "attended (which opens up thepossibility of dropping out" instead of "received," then ...
... am cosidering purchasing a package to complete the CC. For a bit ... it take to go through the CC? I will have the summer full time to ... week off to reset so I don't burn out. Any other ... tips for what to do until ...
... to apply with it. But, if I don't do well on the ... am not going to have time to devote to studying for the December LSAT ... still give me time to apply before the March deadline passes. the LSAT, again? Would it be worth it? Or would it do ...
... . I work the problem myself by writing outitout according tothe LR Flowchart.
2. I write out why ... mind. Then I write outthe explanation as to why that answer choice ...
The designated correct answer, ... responsibility is accrued," and itfailsto accomplish that on multiple fronts ... thepossibility of an event not happening, making it impossible to address the implications of it ...
... it different in this case? (Assuming there isn't some grammar rule ... to destroy lithium at all leaves thepossibility that they can destroy it all the ... causing me to be so clueless when it comes to figuring out which little ...
... to find a framework/rule of thumb that I can use, although it ... toughest things, on the LSAT, has been trying to come up with ... my ground rules or rule of thumb, to formulate what a potential ... 't say this but it seems to me that the Subsets these words ...
... is probably my weakest. It takes me way too ... is a better way to go through the CC ( I ... question types in the CC, watching the explanations simultaneously and ... fool proofing everything together in the end.
... video on Rule Substitution questions, a lot of the times it feels like ... entire game board substituting for the new ruleto see if I got ... got me tothe right answer, but I will say it took A ... think was worth it (felt rushed the rest of the section).