After not hitting my score goal and realizing I didn't master enough of the test, I've decided to forego this admissions cycle in order to try to get up into the mid 170s. Wondering if anyone is up for weekly chats about general strategy insights, cookie ...
Is there anyone in the Philadelphia area that is interested in doing a Study Group? I am taking the August 2021LSAT and looking for a study buddy/buddies to review PTs and individual sections with. I have a pretty open schedule during the summer months!
To prep for the August 2021LSAT, I have been taking the 4 section PTs. Does each PT on the 7sage website have 2 sections of LR or does it rotate? Thanks!
I don't see a place in lawhub for my OCT 2021LSAT registration. Was the Aug 2021 administered on lawhub? Will the Oct 2021 be administered on lawhub? Thanks.
I just finished my test and I am extremely upset and disappointed. The first half of the exam went well and I had no issues at all. However, after the 10 minute intermission I continuously got a message saying that the page was unresponsive (by ...
Hi. I got a 160 on the November 2021LSAT. I'm not satisfied with this score, but I'd like to see how well I did on each section so that I can tell which sections need the most improvement for January. Where can you check for this?
I feel like LSATscores have been going through a tremendous inflation these years and I am really panicking as I have to apply with one that's below 170...any help? :(
A couple of us got a study group together on Discord. We are going to be over prep tests once a week as well as LG,RC, and LR at least once a week. In addition, we can do accountability for individual study sessions. Let me know if interested.