You should reevaluate taking the test in Feb. You have the potential to improve much more than 6 points if you take the test in June or October. Why rush it?
... score, whatever that may be. October is okay to apply with ... personally believe, but that means October is your final test before ... I could try taking both June and October instead? Though I'm ...
I was planning on taking it in June then in August a second time but now I'm not sure what to do given it's going to be 2 very different tests in Junevs august :/
Im interested, currently averaging 175 on my preptests but idk how well it will translate into the real test. taking it in june and october and would 100% be down to study more in a group
... retake in either April or June. I'm registered for April ... />
Alternatively, I could switch to June and really spend a lot ... tests. I am worried a June score won't be as ... />
Any thoughts on April vs. June and what to prioritize for ...
... nervousness going around before the October LSAT. I understand it, as ... practice tests. Between the June LSAT and now (October 6) I have ... (148 Diagnostic in April 2020) vs. who I am now (scored ... stop you from crushing the October LSAT. Believe this, even if ...