I run outof time when during PT 51 before filling the answer sheet for last five questions (took me around 15 seconds) should I exclude all of the five questions from my score? Or deduct a point from my total score?
... else have trouble with PT 65 in particular? I' ... got a 163 on this PT. My strongest sections are ... did I miss all of the questions that I ... choices! Typically, I know when I missed a question as ... the September administration and running outofPT's to take. Did ...
... suggestions on how to get outof a plateau. On BR, ... careless mistakes on the next PT I take. Does anyone else ... and I have only completed PT 36-46 and June ' ... have every single PT, including 1-35 and PT A,B ... one of them as a PT, or should I save some of them ...
... have been preptesting up to PT 45. However, I am ... approaching a set of tests that I already covered ... before. I have done PT 52-64, and I am ... Any advice on how to PT from this point on? I ... have been having a lot of confidence fails during the test ...
I've been PT'ing in the 176+ range ... feel that I'm running outofPT material. I still haven't ... PTs a week or one PT every three days. I'm ... days off, when I'm not taking a full PT. What do ...
... />
I've been outof academia for 13 years, running ... I should also point out that he could be ... me in two courses. When he came into my ... of his former students, but I suspect he saw my name when ... and one at the University of California, San Diego. Again ...
... i was wondering if backing outof the February administration will count ... />
were only a few weeks out and im still 7 points ... ( official LSAT 150 , 151av on PT, 153 highest).
... see what your opinions are when it comes to switching up ... -of "new" PT. For example, using PT 60 as a base and taking out ... . From my experience, when I retake a particular PT I tend to ... I'm beginning to run outofPT's (been studying for almost ...
... do the RC sections outof order depending on how ... seems to help me when I do them based on ... the number of questions; however, I ... been doing that sort of strategy for very long ... opinions about doing the passages outof order?
I've been outof school for 3 years. Going ... became a goal of mine my last semester of college. I ... d have them on file when I was 100% secure in ... STEM LORs help me stand out, especially because one is from ... thesis empirically studied an area of patent law I'm ...
... during a PT. I now feel like I'm missing out on ... -analyze every question during my PT's. I wouldn't want ... people go through during their PT's is more flexible than ... some of the top scorers out there have gotten the most outof Blind ...
... diagnostic LSAT around April of 2020 and scored a ... to take the Test Masters course, but by the end ... ’ve done a million of them I am still ... in a prestigious journal, lots of leadership positions etc.), so ... need to knock the LSAT outof the park to compensate, ...
... . These are the first 6 outof the 21 most common flaws ... ! Going to make the rest of the common flaws today using ... can definitely clean it up when I have time to do ...
... 'll use an example from when I was in Officer Candidate ... or you failed and were kickedoutof the course, and the results impacted ... />
Studying for the LSAT reminds of that. The process is awful ... you're a rough go of it and start making mistakes ...
... in. One of my biggest problems is knowing when to make ... inferences, knowing when to split up ... the scenarios. I always run outof time when I time myself. Everything ... I've seen on the course, repeating the same game over ...
I am having trouble clear printout ofpT 49 , it does not seem to print sections 2, 3 and 4 clearly. Section 4 is particularly bad. I know it is not my printer since I am able to print the other PTs (60s) just fine. I am going to try 50 now.