Personally, my brain is typically fried after a PT, and at most after a 5-section PT I BR LG. The following day I begin with the logicgame again. Then I proceed to blind review LR, follows by RC. Day 3 is when review phase actually happens.
... ; @Keepgoing said:
> Logic Games Question - What prep tests ... doesn't typically reinvent a logicgame to make it really tough ... seen before. I finished that game so quickly afterwards. This ... , but knowing the various game types though and though allows ...
Feeling very confident in 170+ after this exam. I thought it was very average to below average difficulty. The only hard part for me was the fourth logicgame.
... there, we run into a logicgame, RC passage or LR question ... question type, RC passage and logicgame. They could be timing based ... setup and understanding to your game. And the best way to ... . You read a stimulus or game and all of a sudden ...
... posts of himself taking actual logicgame sections. My advice is to ... time overall in completing the game. One more bit of advice ... . Im very familiar with conditional logic and when rules trigger and ... . Im not referring to conditional logic.
Took me 47 minutes to do a logicgame during my first week of studying. A new game takes me no more than 13m now. Do not stress! You will be great. Keep pushing.
... psychological. If I encounter a game that catches me off-guard ... would recommend is changing your logicgame process to include solutions game will feel overwhelmed and try ... then you can use the game boards from the local ...
Forgot to add: I am confident I can get a 170-- I failed to get to a logicgame due to bad time management on my last practice test (a Flex test, where completing the game and getting the questions right would have put my score near 170).
... in the context of the game. That in mind, begin by ... theory and how to do logic games. Go through each type ... type and each type of logicgame, and drill using the problem ...