... score. If you aren't blind reviewing every section before checking ... . After BR you can address timing issues and individual question types ... for now, and just focus onblindreview scores. That will also help ... trying to set up LG game boards in different ways to ...
... except PT days (just 1 game and some LR for warmup ... I was working on correcting poor timing habits later on in my prep ... rest of the week doing timing drills for LR and mixed ... 7sage podcast episodes for specifics onblindreview methods and study routines.
Sorry, I know ... think one way to work ontiming is to aggressively skip questions ... allows you to kind of blindreview your answers during the test ... a real way to tackle logic games is to get good ...
... , but focus on getting the answers correct under untimed conditions (Blindreview) and ... . On my diagnostic test, I could not even finish the second logicgame ... managed to finish a full logicgame section on time and with accuracy ...
... deals with this anxiety on their first PT. on utilizing your PTs properly at ... game, you want to track your foundational skillset and your timing ... which tests foundational + timing) and blindreview (which tests strictly ...
Anyone having a hard time changing answers during the BlindReview? I find myself biased toward the initial answer chosen and convince myself to stick with the original choice regardless if it turns out to be right or not...
Hey guys, for those of you who wrote the June LSAT, have you or do you plan to blindreview it? I'm thinking about doing that this week - although part of me wants to save it for a re-do closer to the Sept. LSAT.
Do we blindreview every section? So basically review all of our circled questions ... choices etc.? We basically can review the whole test at a ... length PT's do you blindreview the same day you took ...
For RC, do you guys blindreview by reading the stimulus and going through the questions? Or do you just forget blindreview, and go straight to J.Y. explanations? Or both?
I found this logicgame to help alleviate the anxiety of waiting for the results! Honestly the LSAT material actually does make you smarter. Everyone have a go at this, it was fun.
When blind reviewing a preptest, should I go back and review the answers to all the questions or just the questions that I circled? When I blindreview LG I go back and do all the games and usually miss only -1 or 2 questions. Thanks!
Here's what NYU Law students think what being on law review is like(not really)(well maybe) the rendition is based on the Disney movie Mulan's "I'll make a man out of you": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcbMS1bwrQw
... open new discussion threads for logic games, I think it is ... my butt today ! In particular LogicGame 3, (7 Judges, In & ... /lsat_explanations/lsat-7-section-2-game-3/
After ... realized how splitting the game board makes the game so much more ...